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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the Souse of Representatives. Friday, the 14th Das of July, 1899. Ordered, " That a Native Affairs Committee, consisting of nineteen members, be appointed to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs specially affecting the Native race that may be brought before the House this session, and from time to time to report thereon to the House; with power to call for persons and papers; five to be a quorum. The Committee to consist of Mr. E. G. Allen, Mr. Brown, Hon. J. Carroll, Mr. Carson, Mr. Field, Mr. Gilfedder, Mr. Heke, Mr. Houston, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kaihau, Mr. McLean, Mr. Monk, Mr. McGuire, Mr. O'Meara, Mr. Parata, Mr. Pere, Captain Russell, Mr. Stevens, and the mover."— (Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon.)


I—l. 3.

No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. No. Petitioners, Blocks, &c. Page. 71f j 152f 209* 493* 322 321 170 480* 131*t 430* 299f 283* 204* 205* 300 307 Ahi-a-te Atua Block Amendment of Native Land Laws Amuamu and 90 Others, Ihaka te Ani Paki and Another Ao and Others, Te Raana te Aperahama te Kume and 73 Others Apirana Tukotahi and 60 Others Aporo and 110 Others, Hautahi Aratapu, Harata Te Area and 120 Others Areta Apatu and Others Te Aro Pa (Lot 22) Atiraira Paremata Te Awaiti, Maraea Te Awaiti, Maraea Awanui and 11 Others, Ihaia te.. Awanui and 5 Others, Ihaia te .. 8 10 9 12 13 10 10 10 13 12 13 9 13 13 13 7 11 436* 301 412 112f Epiniha Ratapu Brueti and 9 Others, M. T. Eru te Whana and 109 Others .. Ewe Hohua 13 7 10 11 Final Report 12 283*f 33*f 69 Gallagher, and 47 Others, E. Gower, W. and S. Green and Others, Thomas Eustace 13 12 6 22 277* 146 Beauchamp, Cradock Bills: Native Reserves Act Amendment; Maori Lands Administration Boyes and Others, J. A. Browne, W. Franklin 4 12 13 5 381* 358*{ 66* 138 480* 453 246f 378* f 113* 170 243*t 494* 475* 284 429* 220 315* 152f 390 439 100 Hanikamu te Hiko and Another Hanikamu, Ngawaina Haora Rangirumaki Hape and Others, Taituha Harata, Aratapu Hare Matenga and Others Te Hata Hokopaura and Others Hataraka W. Poihipi Hauiti te Whaaro Hautahi Aporo and Others Te Hau Waitere and Others Hawea and Others, Penetito Hemi Kuti and Another Henare Haeretuterangi and Others Henare and Others, Kia Henare Rehu and Others Heremaia te Wakatoko Hereheretau No. 2 Block Heta Hakiwai and Others Heta Matua and Others Hipi and Others, Tiemi 13 12 13 6 13 10 4 12 13 10 12 13 13 9 13 6 13 8 10 10 6 259J Damon, John (Hone Tuhata) 6 274f 118* 9 114 181f Ellison, Maku Enoka Hohepa and Others Enoka, Matuha Enoka te Taitea and 36 Others Epanaia WhaDga and 67 Others 10 13 3 10 7 * Petitions undealt with. t1898. J1897.