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No. U. (Circular.) Sic, — Downing Street, sth July, 1898. With reference to my circular despatch of the sth May last, forwarding N papers relative to the treatment to be accorded by Germany to the subjects and products of Great Britain and her colonies after the expiration, on the 30th July, 1898, of the treaty of 1865, I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of your Government, translations of the text of the law signed by the Emperor on the 11th May last, and of a notice published thereunder in the Beichsanzeiger, relative to the commercial relations between Germany and the British Empire after that date. I have, &c, J. CHAMBEELAIN. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand. [For enclosure, see New Zealand Gazette, 15th September, 1898, page 1471.]

No. 16. (General.) My Loed, — Downing Street, 14th July, 1898. I have the honour to transmit to your Lordship copies of a report of the delegates to the British Conference of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property, held at Brussels in December last, which contains, inter alia, the proposed additional Act to the Industrial Property Convention of the 20th March, 1883. I also enclose copies of correspondence between the Board of Trade and this department on the subject, and I request that I may be informed at the earliest convenience of your Government whether they are willing to accept the additional Act in question, in order that the necessary notification may be made to the Belgian Government. I have, &c, J. CHAMBEELAIN. Governor the Eight Hon. the Earl of Eanfurly, K.C.M.G., &c.

Enclosure No. 1. Sir,— Foreign Office, 3rd May, 1898. With reference to your letter of the 29th January last, I am directed by the Marquis of Salisbury to transmit herewith, to be laid before the Board of Trade, copy of a note which has been received from the Belgian Minister at this Court, transmitting copies of the protocol of the additional Act to the Industrial Property Convention of the 20th March, 1883. I am to request that his Lordship may be favoured with the opinion of the Board of Trade as to whether Her Majesty's Minister at Brussels should be directed to sign the additional Act in question; and that his Lordship may also receive the views of the Board on the other points, respecting which Baron Whectnall invites observations in connection with the next session of the Conference on this subject, which the Belgian Government hope may take place before the autumn. I am, &c, The Secretary to the Board of Trade. F. H. Villieks.

Sub-enclosure. Monsieur le Maequis,— Londres, le 19 Avril, 1898. La conference de l'Union internationale pour la protection de la propriete industrielle, gui s'est reunie a Bruxelles au mois de Decembre, 1897, a abouti a la signature de deux protocoles soumettant aux Gouvernements interesses :— 1. Un projet d' acte additionnel a la Convention dv 20 Mars, 1883. 2. Un projet d' acte additionnel a l'arrangement dv 14 Avril, 1891, concernant l'enregistrement internationale dcs marques de fabrique ou de commerce; . D'apres les ordres de mon Gouvernement j'ai l'honneur de remettre a votre Siliqueurie cinq exemplaires dont un certifie conforme dcs Premier de ces Protocoles. La Grande Bretagne ne faisant pas partil de l'Union restreinte constitute par l'arrangement dv 14 Avril, 1891, le protocole relatif a celui ci n'a pas etc signe pas ses delegues. Le Gouvernement dv Eoi apprendrait avec satisfaction, Monsieur le Marquis, que le Gouvernement de sa Majeste Britannique est dispose a signer le projet d'acte additionnel a la Convention de 1883.