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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1898. 1898. Robertson, Andrew, Hanmer Plains Rogers, J., Hanmer Plains Rose, Malcolm, Rogerson, Hanmer Plains ... Rutherford, Duncan, Glynn Wye, Culverden Rutherford, Duncan, Leslie Hills, Culverden Rutherford, Walter, Sherwood, Waiau Rutherford, W. O., Montrose, Culverden ,.. Wharton, H., and Co., Highfield, Waiau ... Williamson, R., Rotherham Wilson, F. H., Cashmere, Christchurcli t ... 2570 76 '00 18875 183 7 4630 2008S 40954. 41 1778i 170 100 800 j 19820 20000 4738 19346 40216 37 I 18691 CHEVIOT COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Anderson, Jas., Cheviot Anstey, G. A., Mount Parnassus, Waiau Auld, John, Cheviot Bainbridge, W., Cheviot Barker, L., Cheviot Barnes, George, Spotswood Barnes, J., Cheviot Beckett, J., Cheviot Black, W., Cheviot Broadley, a. W., Cheviot Bruce, William, Cheviot Burnett, Alexander, Cheviot Butt, H.. Cheviot Butt, J., Cheviot Campbell, Mrs., Cheviot Chapman, Mrs. Mary, Cheviot Childs, P., Port Robinson Coakley, Mrs. T., Cheviot Craighead, A., Cheviot Crampton, G. W., Cheviot Crampton, J. J., Cheviot Crampton, M. H., Cheviot Cuthbert, W., Cheviot Dalgety, Win., Cheviot Dalton, E., Cheviot Daly, Jeremiah, Cheviot Denton Brothers, Cheviot Denton, Mrs. E. J., Domett Dillon, P, Domett Down, A., Cheviot Doyle, J., Cheviot Dunlop, E., Cheviot Egan, Edward, Domett Evans, C. T., Cheviot Evane, A. E., Cheviot Evans, John, Spotswood Fenwiek, E. F., Cheviot Fitzpatrick, J., Clieviot Fitzsimmons, H., Cheviot Fitzeimmon?, Patrick, Cheviot Fleming, John, Cheviot Fleming, Robert, Spotswood Forbes, A. H., Cheviot Forbes Bros., Cheviot Forsyth, Thomas, Clieviot Fraser, James, Cheviot Gardiner, G., Cheviot Gee, T., Cheviot Geeson, Vim., Domett Gell, T. P., Domett Gibson, J., Cheviot Gillies, T., Domett Hannah, W., Domett Hansen, J. N , Spotswood Hare, J., Cheviot Harrison, J. W., Cheviot Hill, Walter, Domett Hilling, John, Cheviot Hills, W. H., Cheviot Hodgson, W., Cheviot Hogan, John, Cheviot Hole, R. W., Domett Holton, E., Cheviot Hughes, F. W., Port Robinson Hughes, Patrick, Domett Hullin, H., Cheviot Hungerford, G. W., Cheviot Hyde, W. 0., Cheviot Jackman, Elias, Domett 413,281 |397,474| 2313 36530 400 ii98 1173 90 193 297 355 188 375 203 141 602 4490 700 1218 1496 379 485 265 496 597 107 197 989 392 598 153 654 455 84 304 2210 34,975 400 574 899 4 345 399 478 172 99 200 138 882 4500 950 850 1158 393 473 235 300 995 191 Nil 149 940 485 597 193 347 465 95 505 336 500 315 1377 174 1110 2000 210 404 1418 31 41 1822 382 374 506 355 289 153 292 404 , 200 304 530 206 230 387 872 284 Nil 62 1865 254 2030 683 398 296 1451 195 1110 1914 71 1668 48 70 1870 190 400 498 291 290 153 279 303 300 585 151 385 388 1412 425 5 97 2864 304 2541 435

No. of Sheep on April 30. April 30, 1898. ' 1889. Jones, Charles, Cheviot Jones, G-eorge, Cheviot . Kelly, John, Cheviot Kemp, John, Cheviot King, Thomas, Cheviot Lewis, A. M., Domett Lewthwaite, J. B., Cheviot Lott, D., Cheviot Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Waiau Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... Marten, B., Domett McDowell, A., Cheviot McGilvray, D., Domett McLaren, Alexander, Mackenzie McLaren, D., Cheviot McLauchlin, George, Cheviot McLean, George, Domett McNiven and Aitken, Domett McPherson, J., Cheviot McRae, George, Cheviot Meikle, T., Domett Menzies, N., Cheviot Monk, R., sen., Claverley Monk, William, Cheviot Morris, W., Cheviot Mowat, Alexander, Cheviot Nicholson, H., Cheviot Oliver, J. H., Mackenzie O'Connor, D., Cheviot Oshorne, T. L., Domett Patterson, William, Cheviot fuschel, J. C. S., Domett Puschel, N. C. H. ( Domett Reid, William, Parnassus Road, Cheviot ... Rentoul and Rumann, Cheviot Roberts, C, jun., Domett Robertson, Andrew, Domett Robinson, T., Cheviot Robinson, W., Cheviot Rutherford, A. W., Brookdale, Waiau Rutherford, A. W., Mendip Hills, Waiau ... Scarlett, W., Cheviot Scarr, R., Cheviot Sloes, R., Cheviot Smith, Crompton Brothers, Port Robinson... Smith, B. W., Cheviot Smith, F. H., Cheviot Spriggs, W., Cheviot Stevenson Bros., Cheviot Stevenson, J., Cheviot Stringer, E., Cheviot Tait, James, jun., Claverley Tweedy, Andrew, Port Robinson TJpritchard, James, Domett Vaughan, John, Cheviot Westland, C. J., Cheviot Whatman, Max, Cheviot Wilkinson, T. jj., Spotswood Wilson, B. C, Cheviot Winskill, D., Cheviot Winterhourne, John, Cheviot Wood, P. H., Domett Wood, P. H., Tormore, Domett Woodward, S., Clieviot Wright, Joseph, Mackenzie Young, Thomas; Cheviot Zuppicich, J., Domett 37 123 344 158 35 274 499 431 15183 16709 392 299 862 2195 120 100 395 464 7600 477 866 300 84 356 2500 790 3032 498 72 986 442 299 672 92,0 2317 74 Nil 390 Nil 30 Nil 458 296 14213 15014 390 284 912 50 1970 122 Nil 295 345 7169 382 Nil 230 99 360 2170 Nil 2888 61 205 Nil Nil 120 294 526 Nil 609 2365 3260 11310 1044(1 291 206 2460 523 289 346 Nil 2373 3 52 655 1308 50 1080 491 3160 1185 1091 1876 1396 89 900 1600 Nil 203 400 293 10805 10050 428 220 3588 600 197 288 !81 2289 114 549 1322 1028 508 3197 1287 638 1615 142 700 2115 292 220 404 485 182,697 175,744 ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Acton-Adams, Herbert, Tepapa, Christchurch Addinell, John, West Eyreton Aldridge, H. T., Kirwee Allan, Alexander, Rockvale, Waikari Allan, John, Waikari Allan, Mrs. M., Waikari Allen, James, View Hill Allen, Joseph, Oxford Allison, Edward, Oust Allison, W., Amberley Ancall, A., West Oxford Anderson, G., Loburn 13553 892 147 898 888 13645 484 87 988 795 280 47 31 12 Nil 182 13 194 6 11 221 36