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An immense improvement has been effected in the two main wards of this Hospital by the building of properly cross-ventilated projections containing baths, closets, and lavatories, all of the best possible kind. The floors are tiled, and the baths and basins are of porcelain. The far end of each ward has been converted into a sun-room for patients, with steps leading into a most beautiful garden, and glass-doors shutting it off from the ward. The nursing is good, and there is a visiting staff who are very attentive. Mr. Jowsey is a most capable administrator, and very determined to have everything in the best possible style, but perhaps a little regardless of expense.

WAIKATO HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 26 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 299 Total under treatment ... ... ... 325 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 291 Died ... ... ... . . ... ... ... 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 19 Sex. —232 males, 93 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waikato, 60 ; Waipa, 64; Piako, 36 ; Raglan, 11; King-country, 5; Rotorua, 7; Auckland, 14; Hamilton, 62; Cambridge, 16; Ohinemuri, 12; Te Aroha, 10 ; Taranaki, 1; Wellington, 1; other places, 26. Country. —England, 70; Scotland, 25; Ireland, 42; New Zealand, 170; Australia, 7; Germany, 5; Canada, 1; British Columbia, 1 ; Italy, 2; Jersey, 1 ; Sweden, 1; Tasmania, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 166; Roman Catholic, 68; Presbyterian, 56; Wesleyan, 26; Salvationist, 2 ; Baptist, 1; Mormon, 2 ; Congregationalist, 1; no religion, 3. Total collective days' stay in Hospital, 7,663; individual average days' stay, 23-58. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 7d.; less patients' payments, ss. sd. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ...1,030 17 8 Rations . ... ... 586 14 2 Local bodies ...1,137 11 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 60 10 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 19 11 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 335 13 1 Rents ... ... ... 58 2 0 Fuel and light ... ... 137 19 0 Patients'payments ... ... 440 4 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 49 10 0 Other sources... ... ... 13 16 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 37 9 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 79 14 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 888 9 0 Water-supply... ... ... 29 3 8 Funerals ... ... ... 13 2 6 Repairs ... ... ... 56 2 7 Additions to buildings ... ... 6 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 54 1 6 Insurance ... ... ... 21 7 6 Other expenses ... ... 172 4 1 Total ... ...£2,700 2 5 Total ... ...£2,528 1 0 Dr. Douglass, the surgeon in charge of this Hospital, is a worthy successor to Dr. Kenny. The Hospital is beautifully situated on a rounded knoll, about a mile out of the town, and commands a fine view of the whole of this spacious country. The building, though not a model of hospital construction, is still commodious and satisfactory for its purpose. The Matron, Miss Rothwell, is very capable, and the whole of the nursing is good. The patients spoke highly of the attention they received.

W AIM ATE HOSPITAL. ' Number of patients on 31st March, 1898 ... ... ... 14 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 130 Total under treatment ... ... ... 144 Discharged ... ... ••• ■•• ••• ••• 122 Died ... ... ... - ••• ■•• 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1899 ... ... ... ... 14 Sex.— 96 males, 48 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Waimate County. Country.— England, 24; Scotland, 15 ; Ireland, 19 ; New Zealand, 63 ;. Australian Colonies, 4; Isle of Man, 1; Denmark,!; Norway,!; Austria, 2.