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Return showing the Number of Offences reported, Persons apprehended, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ending 31st December, 1897, and Year ending 31st December, 1898.


1897. 1898. Offences. Hi O III §2» •3 01 Persons apprehended or summoned. Committed for Trial. Summarily Convicted. Discharged. Number of ~ 'tind Convictions o M 0 0 £> p3>t3 a amongst Sags those 5%%Z committed S for Trial. £ *8 M. F. ai jj> M. ¥. M. P. M. F. Abandoning children Abduction Abortion, procuring Absconding from apprenticeship Absconding from bail .. Absconding from industrial schools Abusive and threatening language Armed, with felonious intent Arson Arson, attempted Assaults, common Assaults, indecent A Assaults occasioning bodily harm Assaults on bailiffs Assaults on police Assaults and robbery Attempts to commit felony Bankruptcy offences Being in possession of housebreaking implements Begging Bestiality Bigamy Breaches of the peace Broaching cargo Bribery, attempted Burglary, breaking into shops, dwellings, &c. Carnally knowing girls Carnally knowing, attempted .. Cattle- and horse-stealing (see Theft). Cattle-maiming Coinage offences Concealment of birth Conspiring to defraud Conspiring to murder Conspiring to defeat the course of justice Contempt of Court Cruelty to animals Cruelty to children Cutting and wounding Damaging police uniform Defacing brands on stock Deserting and failing to provide for wives and children Deserters and stragglers from H.M. ships Deserting merchant vessels Discharging firearms Disobeying orders on board ships Disobeying orders of Court and summonses Disobeying terms of release under First Offenders' Probation Act Disorderly and riotous conduct.. Distillation offences Distributing obscene literature .. Disturbing meetings and congregations Drunkenness Embezzlement Escaping from custody Escaping from lunatic asylums.. Failing to support parents and near relatives False declarations False pretences Falsifying a share-register Fish, illegally taking Forcible entry Forgery and uttering Fortune-telling Furious riding and driving Game, illegally shooting Gaming offences Illegally on premises 2 3 7 2 3 85 271 3 24 13 819 42 38 4 70 30 2 16 3 2 1 2 3 2 87 299 1 29 13 741 43 60 2 111 32 1 18 3 1 7 1 16 29 1 2 67 180 1 1 436 6 9 8 19 33 1 1 3 84 2 2 235 17 19 15 3 2 28 1 1 2 3 2 75 298 1 13 4 733 39 59 2 111 26 1 18 3 4 1 8 17 1 2 28 5 2 5 1 2 78 1 1 1 22 '2 5 y 8 22 93 1 1 1 2 9 3 1 "l 15 41 2 1 9 *7 1 1 4 2 12 3 17 2 3 296 1 1 2 12 2 1 3 17 2 3 296 "l 1 5 'i 284 4 2 238 14 39 3 '2 8 12 4 1 335 1 80 1 175 1 60 395 4 49 7 32 3 51 1 18 2 16 1 15 1 15 1 2 1 2 1 • 3 7 1 1 4 13 3 3 5 2 i 2 i 1 3 1 5 1 3 5 2 1 10 2 4 4 3 2 4 24 19 5 24 18 24 1 112 5 8 46 2 180 7 2 40 % 403 1 2 i 1 139 3 34 2 227 i 2 2 1 38 4 i 2 179 7 2 . 40 2 379 "l 2 i 1 68 2 6 6 337 i 6 133 12 66 88 101 46 5 51 13 36 9 50 376 42 22 46 436 23 19 31 291 13 3 15 122 36 22 46 418 6 13 4 4 i GO 3 3 3 3 287 4 4 80 278 3 2 85 216 1 1 67 13 37 4 270 1 2 85 14 1 2 1 18 5 5,204 3 5 12 275 5,532 2 6 10 220 4,717 1 3 10 144 740 56 1 1 17 5,530 2 6 10 219 328 i 2 "l 1 •2 55 1 68 6 2 170 3 66 8 186 1 29 1 79 *8 6 36 1 2 8 155 24 i 6 16 14 9 94 2 60 43 171 133 14 14 9 74 2 60 43 170 133 8 52 71 3 58 42 55 64 85 1 1 1 48 38 139 81 9 6 1 '60 i 9 23 1 i i 7 12 5 26 45 4 2 1 116 69