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The Commissioners met at the old Provincial Council Chambers, Christchurch, at 10 o'clock a.m.on Thursday, 29th June. The Commission was read. Mr. Commissioner Pendleton stated that he and his colleague (Dr. Giles) had agreed that it was necessary to visit the place of the accident before proceeding to take evidence, unless any person had any matter to bring forward calling for immediate attention. The Commissioners adjourned until 10 a.m. next day.

Fbiday, 30th June. The Commissioners met at 10 o'clock a.m., and sat until the taking of evidence concluded. Jesse Thomas Paesons, Stationmaster at Ashburton, examined on oath. 1. Mr. Pendleton.] Is that the working-notice under which certain excursion trains were run to and from Ashburton on the 11th March last [produced and identified] ?—Yes, that is the one. Fob the Chbistchurch Meat Company's Employes' Excursion, Oheistohubch, Rollbston, and intebmbdiate stations, to ashbubton. Passenger-trains. a,.in. a.m. p.m. p.m. Christchurch .. .. dep. 7.25 7.40 Ashburton .. .. dep. 6 5 6.15 Addington .. .. arr. 7.31 7.46 B&kaia .. .. .. arr. 6.47 6.57 ... .. dep. 7.32 7.47 , TT Hornby arr. 7.49 8 2 dep ' 616 - 7 2 .. dep. 7.50 8.3 I Islington .. .. arr. 7.55 B.b , .. dep. 8.5 8.15 | Templeton .. .. arr. 8.11 8.21 .. dep. 8.12 822 Rolleston .. .. arr. 8.30 8.40 .. dep. 8.31 8.41 Selwyn .. .. .. arr. 9.5 .. dep. 9.10 Dunsandel .. .. pass 9.2 Ashburton .. .. arr. 10.15 10.25 Christchurch .. .. arr. 8.35 8.45 The 7.25 a.m. special and No. 6 north from These trains will each cross No. 21 south Ashburton will cross at Dunsandel. The 7.40 from Christchurch at Eakaia. a.m. special and No. 6 north from Ashburton will cross at Selwyn. The south specials will stop at other stations between Christchurch and Eolleston, if there are any excursionists to be picked up there. The return trains are to set down at all stations from Rolleston to Addington inclusive. Factory fares, plus 6d. adults, 3d. children, for committee's expenses. Tickets from Christchurch and Hornty only are being printed, for issue by the Stationmaster, Hornby, to the committee in advance. Christchurch tickets to be used for Christchurch and Addington, and Hornby tickets for Middleton, Rolleston, and intermediate stations. The specials may run with an interval of ten minutes between. The 7.25 a.m. south special may run five minutes behind No. 5 south, and No. 7 south ten minutes behind the 7.40 a.m. special. 2. Were you on duty when those trains arrived?— Yes. 3. Did they arrive to time, or fairly to time ?—Yes. 4. Were there any peculiar or exceptional circumstances in connection with their arrival ? — No; not in the running or anything of that sort. 5. Nothing connected with the working?— The first excursion train was a bit crowded, the second was not so. 6. The first one was due to return from your station at 6.5 p.m. ?—Yes. 7. Dr. Giles.] Did that start to time?— Yes. 8. What was the difference between the arrival of the trains ?—Ten minutes, I believe. 9. Mr. Pendleton.] The first train left to time ?—Yes. 10. Can you tell me of your own knowledge what the first train was made up of ?—-Thirty vehicles. The majority of them were "C " cars. 11. Was there a brake-van ?—Yes. 12. Did the second train leave to time? —No, that left twenty minutes late. 13. It was due to leave at 6.15 and left at 6.3s?—Yes. 14. What was the reason of the delay ?—The van was off the siding. 15. Was that caused by shunting?— Yes; by bringing it out of the siding. 16. Was that due to the negligence of any one in charge of the train ?—No. 17. Did you see that train start ?—Yes. 18. Did you authorise its starting?— Yes. 19. What is the method of starting ?—I give the word to the guard to start, extending my right hand. 20. Did you see the guard give the authority to start on that?— Yes.