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Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, &c. — continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to 'irne "within winch they s] be produced. on Lunatic Asylums, Reports of Inspector of McLean Motor-car Act, 1898, Regulations under the Mining Act, 1898, Amounts paid as Compensation under Mining Regulations Lunatics Act, 1882, sec. 144, as amended by Lunatics Act Amendment Act, 1891, sec. 2 McLean Motor-ear Act, 1898, sec. 10 Twenty-one days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Mining Act, 1898, sec. 113 Twenty days. Municipal Corporations' Accounts, Reports on Special Audit of Municipal Corporations' Balance-sheets Mining Act, 1898, sec. 303 Municipal Corporations Act, 1886, sec. 175 .. Municipal Corporations Act, 1886, sec. 172 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-eight days from gizetting. (To be referred to Goldfields and Mines Committee.) Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. No time stated. No time stated. Ten days. Thirty days. Municipal Franchise Reform Act, 1898, Regulations under Napier High School, Report and Accounts of.. Native Land Court, Orders of the Native Land Court Regu'ations Native Land Purohases Act, 1892, Transactions under Municipal Franchise Reform Act, 1898, sec. 18 Napier High School Act, 1882, sec. 23 Native Land Court Act, 1894, sec. 14 Native Land Court Act, 1894, sec. 101 Native Land Purchases Act, 1892, sec 20, as modified by the Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1896, sec. 35 Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1895, sec. 4 ; and Native Land Laws Amendment Act, 1897, sec. 7 Native Land (Validation of Titles) Act, 1893, sec 15 Native Licensing Act, 1878, sec. 19 Native Lands Alienation, Applications for Orders in Council for Thirty days. Native Land (Validation of Titles) Aot, 1893, Applications, Orders, &c, under Native Licensing Act, 1878, Orders in Council under Native Reserves Accounts Native Townships Act, 1895, Accounts under.. Ten days. Native Reserves Act, 1882, sec. 12 .. Native Townships Acts, 1895, sec. 20 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Thirty days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Twenty-one days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Native Townships Act, 1895, Regulations under Naval and Military Claims, Reports of Commissioners of Crown Lands on Naval and Military Claims : Reports of Minister on Commissioners' Reports New Plymouth High School, Report and Accounts of New Zealand Consols Account New Zealand Institute, Rules and Statutes of New Zealand University, Report, Statutes, and Regulations of Old-age Pensions, Particulars relating to Native Townships Act, 1895, sec. 25 Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Claims Act, 1891, sec. 7 Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land Claims Act, 1892, sec. 3 New Plymouth High School Act, 1889, sec. 13 No time stated. No time stated. New Zealand Consols Act, 1894, sec 7 New Zealand Institute Act, 1867, sec 17 New Zealand University Act, 1874, sec. 28 .. Thirty days after 31st March. No time stated. No time stated. Old-age Pensions : Regulations under Act Old-age Pensions Act, 1898, sec. 62.. Old-age Pensions Act, 1898, sec. 63.. Fourteen days. If Parl iament sitting, thirty days after close of financial year. Ten days. (To be referred to a Select Committee.) No time stated. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Report and Accounts of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks: Annual Report and Accounts Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks : Regulations under Act Pensions proposed to be granted to Civil Servants Port Robinson, Statement of Goods received at and shipped from Postal Notes, Regulations in relation to Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act, 1877, sec. 8 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889, see. 128 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889, sees. 127 and 128 Pensions Act, 1884, sec. 5 .. No time stated. No time stated. No time stated. Cheviot Estate Disposition Aot Amendment Act, 1897, sec. 6 Post Office (Postal Notes) Act, 1885, sec. 6 .. Ten days. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days of making. Ten days. Post and Telegraph Departmental List Post-Office Savings-Banks Regulations Post and Telegraph Classification and Regulation Act, 1890, sec. 4 of Regulations under Post-Offiee Savings-Banks Act, 1867, sec 13 ; and Post-Office Savings-Banks Act Amendment Act, 1869, sec. 6 Post-Office Savings-Banks Act, 1867, sec. 14.. I Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, within fourteen days of date. Post-Office Savings-Banks Returns .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, not later than 31st March. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Thirty days, or as soon thereafter as practicable. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. No time stated. Provincial Districts' Contributions to Revenue Public Account, Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Securities Act, 1895, Memoranda, Reports, and Orders in Council under Public Securities Act, 1895, Regulations under Order of 2nd June, 1886 (Mr. Macandrew) .. Public Revenues Act, 1896, sec. 4 .. Public Securities Act, 1895, sec. 3 .. Public Securities Act, 1895, sec. 9 .. Public Securities Act, 1895, Telegrams and Orders in Council under Public Securities, Return of Public Securities Act, 1895, sec. 4 .. . Public Securities Act, 1895, sec. 6 .. Public Stores Accounts " Public Stores Regulations .. Public Stores Act, 1871, sec. 5 Public Revenues Aot, 1896, sec. 8 .. Public Trust Office, Balance-sheet of Public Trust Office, Regulations of .. Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894, sec. 36 Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894, see. 55 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting.