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Ghristchurch. —Four cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act: One for failing to grant the half-holiday to bar-assistant; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. One for failing to grant the halfholiday to assistant; penalty, £1, with Bs. costs. One for employing assistants over fifty-two hours in one week, and one for failing to keep notice of hours of employment posted in shop ; penalties, Is., with £1 Bs. costs each. Three cases under the Factories Act: One against an employer for sending work to be done outside factory; dismissed. One against three employes for taking the work home; penalties, Is., with £1 Bs. costs each. The third case, for employing a lad without permit at 8 p.m. ; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Bangiora. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing females on Saturday afternoon; penalty, 55., with 7s. costs. Timaru. —Three cases under the Shops Act, for failing to close shops on the half-holiday; penalties, Is. each.

December, 1898. Auckland. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing females on Saturday afternoon (five charges); penalties, 10s. and 9s. costs on each charge, with solicitor's fee £1 Is. Two cases under the Shops Act: One for failing to provide sitting-accommodation for females; penalty, £1, with £1 14s. costs. The other for employing lad under eighteen years of age more than nine hours and a half on two days in one week; penalty, £1, with £1 16s. costs. Gisborne. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with £1 Is. costs. Two cases under the Factories Act, for employing females on Saturday afternoon; penalties—first case (two charges), 10s., with £1 Is. costs, and 10s., with 9s. costs; the other case, 10s., with 9s. costs. Patea. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with 17s. costs. Wellington. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Ghristchurch. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for hawking goods on the half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Timaru. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to grant the halfholiday to assistant; penalty, 10s., with 9s. costs. Oamaru. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday ; penalty, 55., with 7s. costs.

Januaky, 1899. Pahiatua.— One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing—(l) To close shop on the half-holiday; penalty, Is., with 7s. costs; (2) to give the half-holiday to shop-assistant; penalty, Is., with 9s. costs. Ghristchurch. —Three cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act : One for employing assistant for more than 11-J- hours; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. The second for hawking goods on the half-holiday; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. The other case—two charges—for failing to close shop on the half-holiday, and for employing assistant on the half-holiday; penalty, ss. One case under the Factories Act, for employing female assistants on a Saturday evening, under section 63 of the Act; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Dunedin. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday; penalty, £1, with £2 costs. One case under the Factories Act, for failing to give lad under eighteen years of age the Saturday half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with £1 10s. costs.

Febbuaey, 1899. Auckland. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to give assistants the half-holiday; penalty, £1 10s., with £3 3s. costs. Gisborne. —Four cases under the Factories Act: One for failing to register factory under the Act; penalty, £1, with 9s. costs. The same defendant was convicted in two charges for failing to give assistants the Saturday half-holiday; penalty in one charge, £1, with 9s. costs; for the second charge, costs only (95.). The fourth case was for employing girls on Saturday afternoon ; penalty, 10s., with 9s. costs. Hawera. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act against a Chinese storekeeper, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday; penalty, £3, with 7s. costs. Geraldine (omitted from December list).: —One case under the Factories Act, five charges : One for employing girls under sixteen years of age without permit from the Inspector; penalty, £1, with £1 18s. costs. One for employing girls between 6 p.m. and 7.45 a.m. without permit; penalty, £1, with £2 costs. The other three charges were dismissed : One for employing girls more than forty-eight hours in a week, one for employing lad under sixteen years of age between 6 p.m. and 7.45 a.m. without permit, and one for failing to register factory. Dunedin. —Two cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for employing lad under eighteen years of age more than nine hours and a half on two days in a week; penalty, 10s., with £1 14s. costs. The other case—two charges : One for employing female assistant longer than fiftytwo hours in a week; dismissed, owing to the conflicting evidence of witness. The other charge, for employing the assistant more than nine hours and a half on the 17th January, was then withdrawn. Invercargill. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to grant the halfholiday to assistant; penalty, £1, with £1 10s. costs.