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And the Court doth further order that a duplicate of this award shall be filed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Canterbury District, at Ghristchurch. In witness whereof the seal of the Court of Arbitration of New Zealand hath been hereunto put and affixed, and the President of the said Court hath hereunto set his hand, this 9th day of March, 1899. W. B. Edwabds, J., President. The Dunedin Linotype Dispute. A conference between the parties concerned was held with the members of the Arbitration Court present, and the Typographical Union agreed to accept the conditions ruling in Christchurch and Wellington under the respective agreements between the employers and unions in those cities. An agreement was therefore drawn up by the President of the Court accordingly, and it is to remain in foroe until the 31st December next.

LEGAL DECISIONS UN.DEE THE FACTOEIES ACT, THE SHOPS AND SHOPASSISTANTS ACT, AND THE SEEVANTS' EEGISTEY OFFICES ACT DUEING THE YEAE 1898-99. Apeil, 1898. Auckland. —One case —two charges—under the Factories Act, for employing lad under sixteen years of age after 6 o'clock p.m.; penalty, 10s., with £1 2s. 6d. costs. The other charge withdrawn. Three cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act: One case against a hawker for selling goods on the half-holiday; penalty, 55., with £1 Bs. costs. One for employing driver of baker's cart on the holiday; penalty, 10s., with 19s. 6d. costs. The third case, for closing shop and delivering goods on the holiday ; penalty, £1. Wanganui. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act; two charges : One for failing to give the assistants the half-holiday; penalty, 55., with 7s. costs. The other charge, for failing to close the shop, was dismissed. Palmerston North. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for holding auction sale on the half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with £1 10s. costs. Wellington. —Three cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to grant the half-holiday; penalties, 55., Is., and 10s., with 75., £1 Bs., and £1 Bs. costs, respectively. Ghristchurch. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing three females on Saturday afternoon; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Waimate. —Three cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shops on the half -holiday; penalties, £1, 10s., and 10s., with 7s. costs each case. Dunedin. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing youth under eighteen on Easter Monday, a statutory holiday; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs.

May, 1898. Auckland. —Two cases under the Factories Act: One for employing females on a statutory holiday under the Act (Good Friday)—five charges —penalty, £1 and 15s. 3d. costs on each charge— £8 16s. 3d. The other case, for employing lad under eighteen years of age on Saturday afternoon ; penalty, 55., with £1 Is. 6d. costs. One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for employing lad under eighteen years of age for more than nine hours and a half on two nights in one week; penalty, 55., with 19s. 6d. costs. Wellington. —Two cases under the Factories Act: One for employing female on Saturday afternoon ; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. The other case, for failing to keep record of work done; penalty, Is., with £1 Bs. costs.

June, 1898. Auckland. —Two cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act: One for failing to grant the half-holiday to assistants; penalty (two charges), £1 each, with £2 ss. costs. Second case (two charges), for employing assistant on the half-holiday and for employing for more than five hours without refreshment; penalty, 10s. each, with £1 15s. costs. Haivera. —One case under the Factories Act, for failing to report an accident to Inspector; penalty, 55., with £1 Is. 6d. costs. Wanganui. —One case under the Shops Act, for failing to give employes the half-holiday; penalty, 10s., with 9s. costs. One case under the Factories Act, for employing female after hours without permit; penalty, £1, with 7s. costs. Upper Hutt. —One case, for failing to report an accident to the Inspector. Accused pleaded ignorance of the Act; penalty, 10s., with 14s. 6d. costs. Wellington. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing females on the Queen's Birthday, a statutory holiday ; penalty (for two charges), £1, with £2 16s. costs. Two cases under the Shops Act: One for failing to grant a half-holiday during the week to bar-assistants ; penalty, 25., with £2 16s. costs (Is. and £1 Bs. costs on each of the two charges). The other case was for failing to close shop on the half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Ashburton. —One case under the Shops Act, for failing to close shop, and for failing to grant the half-holiday to assistant; penalty, ss. on each charge (10s.), with £2 12s. costs. Timaru. —One case under the Shops Act, for employing driver of delivery-cart on the halfholiday ; penalty, 55., with 9s. costs. Dunedin. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing female on Saturday afternoon; penalty, 10s., with £1 10s. costs.