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respectively, and the said employers and each and every of them respectively, shall do, observe, and perform every matter and thing by the said terms and conditions on its or his or her part required to be done, observed, or performed, and shall not do anything in contravention of the said terms and conditions. In witness whereof the seal of the said Court has been hereunto affixed, and the President of the said Court has hereunto put his hand, this 11th day of October, 1898. J. B. Denniston, President. Wellington Bakbes. In the matter of an industrial dispute between the Wellington Operative Bakers' Industrial Union of Workmen (hereinafter called " the union ") and William Heintz, Petone ; Walter Jounax, Petone ; Martin Cargill, Petone ; McVicar and Corson, Petone; Charles Pole, Lower Hutt; St. Clair Jounax, Lower Hutt; J. T. Bell, Revans Street, Newtown; James Erasmus Cunlifie, Johnsonville; Mrs. Daniel James Greeks, Riddiford Street; Neils Rasmussen, Rintoul Street, Wellington ; William Jounax, Berhampore ; George Bradley, Adelaide Road; Mrs. Charlotte McDonald, Manners Street; John Skinner, Cuba Street; Patrick Moore, Tory Street; — Auty, Porirua; William Fry Newcombe, Karori; Michael Henry McCarthy, Willis Street; William Cook, Johnsonville ; McEwen and Churchill, Lambton Quay; George Dickson, Courtenay Place; S. 0. Poulson, Tory Street; Albert Dimock, Aro Street; William Freeman, Molesworth Street; Harvey Brothers, Riddiford Street; Walter Kellow, Taranaki Street; John Reed, Taranaki Street; J. H. Kilduff, Taranaki Street; Joseph Kirkus, Tory Street; H. Langdon, Brougham Street; Robert Leadbetter, Tinakori Road; Frank McParland, Taranaki Street; Matthew Mackay, Clyde Quay; H. Oakley, Adelaide Road; George Payne, Lambton Quay; Henry Denhard, Upper Willis Street; George Webb, Vivian Street; Thomas Smith, Riddiford Street; J. Chapman, Johnsonville; Walter E. Timmins, Constable Street; H. Dryden, Brougham Street (hereinafter called " the employers"). Whereas the above dispute was duly referred to and heard and considered by this Court: Now this Court doth award as follows : (1.) That nine hours and a half constitute a day's labour, including one half-hour for breakfast and one hour for sponging. (2.) The rate of wages shall be as follows : Foreman, not less than £3 per week, with thirteen loaves; second hand, not less than £2. 105. per week, with thirteen loaves; and any others, not less than £2 ss. per week, with thirteen loaves. All hands to reoeive dry pay. (3.) Tradesmen not fully oompetent by reason of age or physical weakness may be employed at such wage as may in each case be settled between the union and the employers. (4.) That no baker or workman shall commence before 4 o'clock in the morning, except Saturdays, when he shall not commence work before 2 o'clock in the morning. After the stated hours are up overtime shall be paid as follows : Time and a quarter time up to 5.30 o'clock in the afternoon, and time and a half time after 5.30 o'clock in the |afternoon. (5.) That no apprentice shall be allowed to any employer unless two bond, fide journeymen be employed, then in such case the employer may employ two apprentices; but in no case shall the employer employ more than two apprentices. Each apprentice to be sixteen years of age when bound, and to be bound by indentures for a period of five years; the indentures of apprentices to be produced to the seoretary of the union if required. An employer who personally works at the trade to be counted for this purpose as a journeyman. (6.) Jobbers to receive 10s. per diem of nine hours and a half, and overtime as above stated in clause (4) hereof. Sunday sponging shall cover all statutory holidays, as expressed in Rule 24 of the union. If workmen requested to work on holidays they shall be paid at the rate of time and a half. (8.) That no carter shall be employed in any bakehouse. The respective positions of a baker and a carter shall be kept separate. Either an employe must be a bond fide baker or a bond fide carter; but a baker may deliver bread so long as he does not work more than the prescribed hours. (9) That none of the employers shall discriminate against members of the union, nor shall any of them, in the engagement or dismissal of their hands or in the conduct of their business, do anything directly or indirectly for the purpose of injuring the union. (10.) That each of the employers in carrying on his business shall be bound by the above provisions and shall conform thereto, and the union and every member thereof shall be bound by the same and shall confirm thereto in like manner. (11.) The provisions of this award may be enforced from Monday, the 17th October instant, until the 24th day of November, 1899. (12.) A duplicate of this award shall be filed in the Supreme Court of Wellington. In witness whereof the seal of the said Court has been hereunto affixed, and the President of the said Court hath hereunto set his hand, this 14th day of October, 1898. J. E. Denniston, President.

November, 1898. The following are copies of the recommendations made by the Canterbury Conciliation Board in disputes in the boot trade and the painting trade : — In the matter of the Federated Bootmakers' Union and Messrs. Suckling Brothers, H. Toomer, and A. Clayton. The Board's award is as follows: " That the firms named come under the conditions of the award of the Arbitration Court dated the 12th September, 1898, and that an industrial agreement be entered into on the same terms and conditions on or before the 30th November, 1898." In the matter of the Federated Bootmakers' Union and Messrs. Bowron Brothers, S. Smith, and H. Pannell. The Board's award is as follows : " That, as the firms named employ in their department labour covered by the Arbitration Court's award of the 12th September, 1898, they should come under terms and conditions of such award, and that an industrial agreement be entered into on the same terms and conditions on or before the 30th November 1898." In the matter of the Christchurch Painters' Union and the firms named in minute of meeting of the 3rd November 1898. The Board's award is as follows :— " That the award of the 4th July, 1898, be reaffirmed, with the following alterations :— " Clause 7. Labour Day observance to be optional. " Clause 10. In the first line the word ' bound 'to be deleted, and the word ' indentured ' substituted. In the second line the figures ' 16' to be deleted, and the figures ' 17' to be substituted. " Clause 12 to read : ' That all men sent to a country job shall be conveyed or have their travelling-expenses and their time paid for going and returning, and an addition of 10 per cent, to their wages when the distance necessitates lodging.' " Penalty clause to be inserted to provide a penalty of £1 for the first breach of the award, and for every subsequent breach a penalty of £10. " An industrial agreement covering the award to be entered into on or before the 30th November, 1898, for a term of twelve months from the 30th November, 1898."

Decbmbbe, 1898, and Januaby, 1899. The following are copies of the reports made by the various Conciliation Boards in their respective districts: Auckland and New Plymouth bootmakers' dispute, Auckland plumbers' dispute, Wellington iron- and brass - moulders' dispute, Wellington painters' dispute, Christchurch tailors' dispute, Christchurch tinsmiths' dispute, Christchurch furniture trades dispute, Christchurch painters' dispute, Christehurch bootmakers' dispute, Dunedin tailors' dispute, Dunedin tailoresses' dispute, Dunedin linotype dispute :—