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Laid upon the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

LETTER FROM THE COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. Defence Office, Wellington, 17th October, 1899. Memorandum for the Eight Hon. the Premier. With regard to the despatch of the Contingent to the Transvaal, I consider it my duty, as Commander of the Forces, to bring to your notice the admirable way in which the organization and equipment of this Force has been carried out at short notice. With no military organization, no reserve stores, and only a small staff in the Stores Department, the Force has been brought together, equipped, and horsed in a comparatively short time. Every one has worked with a will, and thrown themselves into their work with a whole-heartedness which is worthy of all praise. I wish especially to bring to your notice the services of the Under-Secretary for Defence, Sir A. Douglas, and the Stores Department, upon whose exertions the equipment of the Force has depended. Work has been carried out practically day and night, and, though necessarily our equipment cannot be as perfect as that of the Imperial troops, still all has been done that possibly could be done in the colony; and every assistance has been rendered me by the Under-Secretary for Defence and his staff, both store and clerical. The Under-Secretary for Agriculture, Mr. Eitchie, has materially helped us by practically placing at our disposal the staff of the Stock Department for the purchase of horses in all parts of the colony, and without his aid we could not have got together in the time a sufficient number of suitable horses for the Contingent. Mr. Gilruth, the head of the Veterinary Department, has very materially assisted me in Wellington with his professional advice, and has done everything in his power to forward the work. Mr. Buchanan, of the Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry, placed his services at my disposal to assist in purchasing horses in the Canterbury District, and, thanks to his exertions and those of Mr. Eeakes, of the Veterinary Department, we have been supplied from that district with a lot of most serviceable and useful horses. The officers commanding districts have done all in their power to assist me, and Lieut.-Colonel Newall in particular has rendered valuable services, which have much lightened the detail duties of the Officer Commanding the Contingent, and enabled that officer to devote most of his time to the organization and training of his command. Colonel Messenger and the non-commissioned officers and men of the Permanent Force have been employed in store-work and camp duties, and have carried out the work most satisfactorily. Horses have been presented to the Contingent by the following lady and gentlemen : Two, Mrs. Donnelly; one, Mr. Buchanan, M.H.E. ; two, Mr. Lethbridge, M.H.E.; two, Mr. Hunter, M.H.E.; one, Mr. Te Tau, Masterton; two, Mr. Wi Mahupuka, Greytown; one, Mr. Stewart, Helensville; one, Mr. Downes, Feilding; one, Mr. Broughton, Hastings; one, Messrs. Beetham and Williams, Masterton; one, Mr. Carlyon, Waipawa. An offer of one was made by Mr. Hunter Brown, of Napier, which had to be refused owing to the impossibility of its being forwarded in time. All these horses are of good serviceable quality, and I have written separately and conveyed the thanks of the Government to the gentlemen and lady for their patriotic gifts. Captain Loveday and the members of the Heretaunga Mounted Eifles have placed at our disposal the shipment of regimental saddlery, &c, just received, which has been of much assistance,