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No. 71. The Hon. the Peemiee, Wellington, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey, Fiji. Sib, — Premier's Office, Wellington, Bth March, 1899. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th January last [see No. 37], inquiring whether this Government will arrange for the vessels of the San Francisco service to call at Suva, and submitting reasons for the expediency of doing so. In reply, I have to inform you that this Government has given the subject every consideration, but, in view of the facts that a compliance with the wishes of your Government would lengthen the voyage by about eighteen hours, and that for years we have subsidised a direct steam-service between Auckland and Fiji, it has reluctantly decided that it would not be justified in acceding to your request. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Fiji. W. C. Walkee, for the Premier.

No. 72. The Supeeintendent of Foeeign Mails, Washington, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Geneeal, Wellington. Post Office Department, Office of Foreign Mails, Washington, D.C., Sib,— 14th March, 1899. Referring to your letter of the 14th, ultimo [see No. 49], advising this department that, " commencing with the ' Mariposa' leaving Auckland on the 20th March, steamers for San Francisco will be despatched from Sydney and Auckland two days later than heretofore— namely, on the Monday instead of the Saturday from Auckland"—l have the honour, by direction of the Postmaster-General, to inform you that due notice of the same has been taken. I have, &c, N. M. Bbooks, Superintendent of Foreign Mails. The Postmaster-General, Wellington, New Zealand.

No. 73. Messrs. R. W. Cameeon and Co., New York, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Geneeal, Wellington. Sic,— New York, 14th March, 1899. We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed communication of the 10th ultimo, and note that the arrangement about which you have been in correspondence has now been consummated, and that the steamers for San Francisco will leave two days later than before; also that the new arrangement will commence with the boat leaving Auckland in March. We are sending a copy of your letter to the Postmaster in New York, and, unless something unexpected occurs, see no reason why the connection, should not be made by which mails will arrive in time to go forward by the Wednesday steamer from New York. We are, &c, R. W. Cameeon and Co. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, New Zealand.

No. 74. Messrs. R. W. Cameeon and Co., New York, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Geneeal, Wellington. Sib,— New York, 17th March, 1899. We have the honour to enclose reply received from the Postmaster of New York, in regard to the New Zealand mails from San Francisco making connection with our steamers sailing from here on Wednesday. You will observe that the connection seems so certain that it is not probable there will be any occasion for special arrangement in connection with the transfer of these mails. We are glad to be in a position to send you this confirmation of our own belief, and also the promise made by the Postmaster that every effort will be made here to insure such connection and expedite despatch of mails. We are, &c, R. W. Cameeon and Co. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, New Zealand.

Enclosure in No. 74. The Postmasteb, New York, to Messrs. Cameeon and Co., New York. Gentlemen, Post Office, New York, 16th March, 1899. In reply to your communication of the 14th instant relative to letter, herewith returned, of Postmaster-General at Wellington, New Zealand, I have to state that the mails from the Pacific coast will be due at this office in ample time to connect with the Wednesday American or the White Star line steamers, and it is not probable that there will be any cause for special arrangements in connection with the transfer of these mails. Every effort, however, will be made to insure such connection and expedite their despatch. Very respectfully, C. van Cott, Postmaster. . Messrs. B. W. Cameron and Co., 23, South William Street, New York.