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Enclosure 1 in No. 33. The Seceetaey to the Agent-GenEbal to Messrs. B. W. Came Eon and Co., New York. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., Deab Sies,— 11th January, 1899. I am directed by the Agent-General to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo [Enclosure 2 in No. 22], and to thank you for the information it contained, by which it would appear that arrangements have been made by which a saving of a whole day will be effected as regards the mails between New York and San Francisco. The Agent-General would be much obliged if you could obtain definite information as to whether, in case the mails from New Zealand arrived at San Francisco on a Friday, they would reach New York in time to catch the American line steamer leaving on the following Wednesday. If you are able to procure this information the Agent-General would be further obliged by your communicating it direct to the Postmaster-General, at Wellington, New Zealand. I have, &c, 0/fr Waltee Kennaway. Messrs. B. W. Cameron and Co., 23, South William Street, New York.

Enclosure 2 in No. 33. Messrs. B. W. Cameeon and Co., New York, to the Agent-Geneeal. Sib,— , . . . New York, 20th January, 1899. We have to acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed communication of the 11th instant, in regard to the despatch of the New Zealand mails between San Francisco and New York. We have seen the Postmaster here in regard to your inquiry as to whether the New Zealand mail arriving at San Francisco on a Friday would reach New York in time to catch the American line steamer leaving on the following Wednesday, and are informed by him that in all probability it would, but that he cannot definitely say so until the new arrangement has been longer in operation, as it may take some time to demonstrate its successful working. We are, &c, The Agent-General for New Zealand, B. W. Cameeon and Co. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W. P.S, —We have communicated the above to the Hon. the Postmaster-General of New Zealand, at Wellington, by mail via San Francisco closing here to day.—B. W. C. and Co.

No. 34. « The Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Besident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco. " ... (Telegram—posted at Auckland.) Wellington, 20th January, 1899. Please advise Washington that San Francisco mail-service time-tables have been renewed on present basis for the year commencing first January; also that Vancouver time-table will no doubt be similarly renewed.

No! 35. The Hon. the Peemiee to the Agent-Genebal. (Telegram.) Wellington, 20th January, 1899. Advise Imperial Post Office San Francisco-Vancouver time-tables renewed present basis for year, commencing Ist April.

No. 36. • The Hon. the Peemiee to the Agent-Genebal. (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st January, 1899. San Feancisco-Vancouvee time-tables also, of course, renewed from Ist instant.

No, 37. The Assistant Colonial Seceetaey, Suva, to the Hon. the Peemiee, Wellington. g IR Colonial Secretary's Office, Suva, Fiji, 30th January, 1899. I am directed by the Governor of Fiji to inform you that it is possible that the steamers of the Canadian-Australian service may shortly cease to call at Suva ; and I am to inquire whether the New Zealand Government would be pleased, on the renewal of its agreement with the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand and Oceanic Steamship Company of San Francisco, which, it is understood, will expire in March next, to arrange for the vessels of that company to call at Suva instead of (or in addition to) calling at Apia.