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Somes Senior Scholarships. —Four are to be offered, if funds permit, in each year. The scholarships are tenable for one year, and of the value of £25, with the addition of £20 in the case of boarders in one of the school-houses. Somes Scholarships for Music.' —Sixteen scholarships covering the school fees for tuition, and eight of half the value, are given after examination. The boys elected become members of the Cathedral choir. Tenure depends upon the satisfactory performance of duty both in the school and in the choir. The Junior and Senior Scholarships given by the Board of Education are tenable in the school, and may be held together with Entrance or Somes Scholarships. Butter and Beay Foundation. —Exhibitions are given to the sons of clergy ministering in the Diocese of Ghristchurch, and to others who may require assistance ; also six exhibitions of £2 are awarded at the end of each term to members of the chapel choir, and two of £12 a year for two years to specially deserving boys on leaving the Cathedral choir.

2. Work op the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —Greek, Latin, French, English, mathematics, chemistry, heat, to standard of examination for Junior University Scholarships ; and divinity. Loivest. —Divinity, St. Mark's Gospel; the Catechism, to the end of " Duty to your Neighbour." Beading—Ship Eeader, No. 3 ; Longmans' New Eeader, No. 4, to page 147. Repetition. History— Brief history, from the. invasion of Britain to the end of Richard 111. Geography—Zealandia, Part 1., the whole book. Grammar and Composition—How to tell the parts of speech ; the construction of sentences ; short letters and descriptive paragraphs. Arithmetic—Revision of simple rules and the compound rules, up to and including long division; numeration to long division inclusive.

3. Genebal Statement of Accounts for the Year ending 15th May, 1898. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Capital Account—price of land sold .. 237 10 0 By Balance .. .. .. .. 2,082 4 2 Current income from land .. .. 1,824 12 7 Office salary .. .. .. 190 0 0 Income from scholarships endowments 773 4 0 Other office expenses .. .. 23 11 9 School fees.. .. .. .. 2,400 6 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,811 2 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 312 0 Examination fees for scholarships, and Balance .. .. .. .. 1,414 12 9 special prizes .. .. .. 52 11 6 Scholarships .. .. .. 695 11 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 54 4 3 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 60 7 2 Cleaning, fuel, light, &o. .. .. 224 4 3 Fencing, repairs, &o. .. .. G6 12 4 Insurance and taxes.. .. .. 67 15 9 Interest on current account .. .. 54 2 2 Boys' games fund .. .. .. 128 12 3 Expenses in connection with land estate 58 16 7 Fittings and material for laboratory .. 52 5 7 Chapel Account—deficit for year .. 31 16 10 £6,653 18 1 £6,653 18 1 C. Cheistchuech, Warden. The accounts (from which the above are extracts) were audited by Mr. A. A. M. McKellar.

EANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Repoet. The year began with sixteen and ended with fourteen pupils. An examination was held in December by Mr. R. M. Laing, M.A., and as a result of his report the Board decided to make an entire change in the teaching-staff. Mr. T. E. Cresswell, M.A., of Wanganui, has since been appointed master of the school. E. E. Good, Chairman.

2. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ending 31st December, 1898, Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 86 10 11 By Office expenses .. .. .. 15 0 Current income from reserves .. 235 18 3 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 206 8 11 School fees.. .. .. .. 99 11 6 Examinations—Examiners'fees .. 14 14 6 Prizes .. .. .. .. 3 10 3 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 11 13 10 Cleaning, fuel, light, &o. .. .. 15 6 6 Site and buildings .. .. .. 108 2 6 Fencing, repairs, &o. .. .. 17 7 5 > Eents, insurance, and taxes .. .. 4 6 3 Rail-fare for pupil .. .. .. 0 10 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 38 15 6 £422 0 8 £422 0 8 E. R. Good, Chairman. Examined and found correct.— J. K. Waebueton, Controller and Auditor-General. 3—E. 12.