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4. SCHOLABSHIPS. The school gave free education to twenty-six holders of scholarships given by the School Commissioners, and eighteen given by the Education Board.

GISBOENE HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Bepoet of the Boaed. The Gisborne High School Board has to report that its proceedings for the year ending the 31st December, 1898, have been confined to the administration of the revenues payable during the year. Secondary education in the district has been carried on during the year in the Gisborne District High School under guarantee by the Board. This system continues to work well, and the number of pupils matriculating porportionally to the whole number taught is high. W. Moegan, Chairman.

2. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ending 31st December, 1898. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 133 12 3 By Scholarships ~ .. .. 97 8 0 Current inoome from reserves .. .. 80 0 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 2 17 0 Interest on moneys invested and on unpaid Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 0 8 6 purohase-money .. .. .. 190 10 0 Subsidy, Hawke's Bay Education Board 38 7 6 Paid by School Commissioners .. 232 9 2 Mortgage .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 5 19 8 Balanoe .. .. .. 256 1 1 Refund, scholarship .. .. .. 2 110 £645 2 1 £645 2 1 W. Mobgan, Chairman. C. A. de Lautoub, Secretary, Examined and found correct.— J. K. Waebueton, Controller and Auditor-General.

NELSON COLLEGES. Staff. Boys' College.—Mi. J. W. Joynt, M.A.; Mr. W. S. Littlejohn, M.A.; Mr. J. Dmmmond, M.A.; Mr. E. F. W. Cooke ; Mr. F. Milner, M.A.; Rev. E. C. Isaac ; Sergeant Major Healy. Girls' College.— Miss B. E. Gibson, M.A.; Miss E. Gribben, 8.A.; Miss E. H. Pearoe, M.A.; Miss E. Graham, 8.A.; Miss M. N. Gellatly, M.A. ; Mr. E. F. W. Cooke; Miss Huddleston. 1. Bepoet op the Goveenoes. The Governors' are pleased to record good progress in both Colleges during the year. The examiners' reports dealt fully with the work of each school, and stated that it was, on the whole, highly satisfactory. The Boys' College. The result of the recent examinations gives the following gratifying list of distinctions gained by the students of the College : E. H. Strong, B.A. degree; three others passed the first section of the same; eight have passed terms examinations, and six the Matriculation examination; two candidates competed for the University Junior Scholarships, one of whom, A. T. M. Blair, came out at the head of the list with the highest marks yet obtained —viz., 4,371 —while the other candidate passed with credit; three have passed the Medical Preliminary examination. Much attention has been given by the masters and the drill instructor to the training of the boys in military drill and gymnastics, and the usual school games have been carried on with vigour. Girls' College. A very satisfactory number of successes are recorded in the Girls' College as the result of the University examinations. Since'our last report was made, Miss E. Enright has gained her B.A. degree, and Miss M. McEachen, an old Nelson College girl, has just secured her M.A. at the Canterbury College. Three pupils have passed the first section of the 8.A., two have been successful in their first year's terms, six have passed the Matriculation examination, and two have passed with credit the Junior scholastic examinations. The lady principal hopes, now the junior scholarships are made of higher value for students compelled to live away from home, that more girls will be induced to compete for them, instead of working for their degrees at the College. The customary work in outdoor sports and exercises has been carried on as usual.

2. Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1898. Endowment Account. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Rents .. .. .. .. 888 0 0 By Rates and taxes .. .. .. 210 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 611 18 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. 10 13 9 Sohool Commissioners' subsidy .. 150 0 0 Printing and advertising .. .. 13 0 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 5 5 9 Repairs .. .. .. .. 0 5 6 Governors' fees .. .. .. 33 6 7 Office rent, cleaning, and gas.. .. 32 14 3 Secretary .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Interest on Girls' College mortgage .. 110 0 0 Petty cash —postage and sundries .. 34 10 0 ; Balance .. .. .. .. 718 310 Curried forward .. ..£1,649 18 7 Carried forward .. ..£1,030 10 10