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The Roman Catholic Schools. —Reports, &c., were prepared and furnished to these schools in every respect similar to those supplied to schools directly under the Board. The following is the table of results: —

Total number of infants over eight years of age not presented in Standard 1., nil. I have, &c, The Chairman, Education Board, Grey. W. L. F. Fetch, M.A., Inspector.

WESTLAND. Sir,— Education Office, 27th December, 1898. I have the honour to present the following report on the schools of the district for the year 1898. In addition to the examination of all the schools included in the tabulated lists attached, inspection visits have been paid to all except the smaller aided schools. No reference is here made to the work of the secondary classes of the Hokitika and Kumara District High Schools, or to the results of the examination of the Catholic schools at Kumara, Hokitika, Kanieri, and Boss. In connection with these separate reports have been presented. The following table relates mainly to the result of the examinations for passes in the standards :—

So far as an estimate can be made by such a test, the general result of the examinations of the year has reached the same high level occupied by that of the previous year, the percentage of failures compared with the total roll being 9-7, as against 9-9 in 1897. The table shows that the average age of passing is in each standard within two months of the average for the colony. This indicates that while with regular attendance and other favourable conditions the age at which the pupils pass'is not high, the examination tests are sufficient to provide against too low an average. The distribution of the number presented for examination in the various classes is expressed by the following percentages of the total roll-number : Above Standard VI., 3-7 ; Standard VI., 8-5 ; Standard V., 11 - 7 ; Standard IV., 10-4; Standard 111., 13-8; Standard 11., 11-7; Standard 1., 104 ; Preparatory, 30-1. The number of pupils over eight years of age in preparatory classes is 184 per cent, of the class and 5-4 per cent, of the total roll. In the two largest schools the pupils of Standard I. and Standard 11. were examined for a pass by the headmasters, and the results were in accord with those of my test. The teachers of the remaining schools declined to exercise the privilege.

Classes. Presented. Examinea in Stanaaras. Passed. Above Standard VI. Standard VI. V. ... IV. ... „ III. ... II. ... I. ... Preparatory 14 16 21 26 33 41 25 76 15 19 25 32 39 25 15 19 25 29 39 25 Totals ... 252 155 152

Glasses. Total presented. Examined in Standards. Passed. Average Age of those that passed. Average Age of passing for New Zealand in 1897. Secondary classes .. Above Standard VI. Standard VI. V. IV. III. II. I. Preparatory 31 51 117 160 142 189 160 139 412 113 156 138 186 158 137 92 127 106 154 145 130 Yrs. mos. 14 1 13 1 12 1 11 1 9 10 8 11 Yrs. mos. 14 1 13 2 12 3 11 2 10 0 8 10 Totals ... 1,401 888 754 11 6* 11 7* * Mean of average age.