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NELSON. Sib,— Education Office, Nelson, 16th March, 1899. I have the honour to lay before you a report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of Nelson for the year 1898. Membebs op the Boaed. —At the annual election of three members of the Board in March the retiring members were Messrs. Talbot, Beuke, and Colvin. The last-named gentleman, who, being a resident of Westport, especially represented the West Coast portion of the education district, did not offer himself for re-election, and Messrs. Talbot, Beuke, and Thomas Bailie, of Westport, were elected unopposed. The following gentlemen now form the Board, viz. : Messrs. George Talbot (Chairman), William Henry Phillips, jun., William Norris Franklyn, William Lock, Philip Best, Andrew Thomas Maginnity, John Deidrich Beuke, Thomas John Baigent, and Thomas Bailie. Meetings op Boaed. — During the year the Board has held twelve monthly and thirteen adjourned meetings, the average attendance at each meeting being eight. Schools. —At the end of the past year 120 schools were at work, inclusive of thirty-six aided and household schools. Four new schools were opened, one was closed, and the boys' and girls' schools at Lower Wakefield were amalgamated, making a net increase of two in the number of schools at work at the end of the year as compared with those open at the end of the previous year. School Disteicts. —New school districts have been constituted at Bainham, Burnett's Face, Inangahua Junction, Motueka Valley, and Summerlea. There are now sixty-five school districts within the Education District of Nelson. Attendance of Scholaes. —The average weekly number on the roll during the past year was 6,016-5, while during the year 1897 it was 6,082, showing a decrease of 655 for the year. The strict average attendance during the past year was 4,8255, the working average being 4,92675. The corresponding figures for the previous year were : Strict average, 4,895-25 ; working average, 4,999, a decrease of 6975 and 7275 respectively, and this notwithstanding the opening of the new schools referred to above. Westpoet Disteict High School. —The establishment of a district high school for Westport having been approved by the department, subject to certain conditions which were accepted by the Board, a new building has been erected, in which the work of secondary education is to be carried on, and arrangements were made for the opening of the school on the Ist February, 1899. The whole of the Westport Schools have been amalgamated and placed under the charge of Mr. Frederick Neve, M.A., with an efficient staff, Mr. D. A. Strachan, M.A., being appointed first assistant master in charge of the classes on secondary subjects. It is hoped that the success of the school in the future will justify the radical change effected and the large expenditure involved. New Buildings.—New schools have been erected at Millerton and Motueka Valley, and a teacher's house has been built at Central Takaka. A new school has also been erected at Pokororo in place of the one destroyed by fire, and such portions of the Beefton School as were destroyed by the fire there have been rebuilt. The upkeep of the numerous wooden buildings is a great charge on the Board's funds, no less a sum than £549 9s. having been expended under this head during the past year. Bcaed's Funds.—The Board began the year with a credit balance on General Account of £965 3s. 7d., with liabilities £128 Bs. 3d., while at the end of the year.the balance to credit of that account was but £702 ss. lid., and the liabilities were £165 14s. On Building Account the credit balance at the beginning of the year was £831 Bs. 2d., the liabilities being £1,060 10s. At the close of the year the balance to credit of Building Account was £1,497 lis. 3d., the liabilities being £1,594 18s. sd. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Geobge Talbot, Chairman.

Geneeal Statement of Beceipts and Expenditube for the Year ending 31st December, 1898. Receipts. Expenditure. £ a. d. To Balance— £ s. d. By Office staff-salaries .. .. 300 0 0 On Building Aooount .. .. 831 8 2 Clerical assistance to Treasurer .. 5 5 0 On General Account .. ... 1,136 15 7 Departmental contingencies .. 464 910 Government grant for buildings .. 2,958 0 0 Inspectors' salaries and travelling-ex-Subscriptions and donations for build- penses .. .. .. .. 810 0 0 ings .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inOther receipts for buildings— eluding, rent, bonus, &o.) .. .. 15,627 13 9 Bank interest .. .. .. 15 0 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. 2,006 5 0 Contractors'deposits .. .. 24 19 0 Training of teachers .. .. 171 9 10 Government statutory capitation .. 17,730 7 6 Scholarships— Scholarship grant .. .. ' .. 370 7 2 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 350 12 0 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 Examination expenses .. .. 17 810 Payments by School Commissioners .. 856 10 0 School buildings— Sale of school-books .. .. 565 2 6 New buildings .. .. .. 1,688 9 5 Refund .. .. .. .. 10 0 Improvements of buildings .. 549 9 9 Bank interest .. .. .. 12 0 0 Furniture and appliances .. .. 98 10 3 Rents .. .. .. •. 5 0 0 Bank interest on overdraft .. 0 6 6 Payment to Board in error .. .. 110 Deposits returned .. .. 15 0 0 Purchase of school-books .. .. 521 8 9 Bank interest on overdraft, General Account ... .. .. .. 0 310 Refund, payment in error .. .. 110 Balance— On Building Aocount .. .. 1,497 11 3 On General Acoount .. .. 702 5 11 £24,827 10 11 £24,827 10 11 Geobge Talbot, Chairman. Stead Ellis, Secretary. Examined and found correct —J. K. Waebubton, Controller and Auditor-General.