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successful candidates were pupils attending the Stratford School. It may not be out of place to state here that Clara Taylor, Stratford, took second place in the examination for Queen's Scholarships in connection with the Victoria College, Wellington, and that Ada Powell, also of Stratford, took a high place in the same examination. Committees. —New school districts have been formed at Ngariki, Egmont Village, Durham Boad, and Dudley Boad, and Committees for these districts will be elected in due course. Finance.—The income of the Board from all sources, including £1,233 14s. 7d. balance on the 31st December, 1897, was £16,085 9s. 9d., and the expenditure £15,074 12s. 10d., leaving a credit balance of £1,010 16s. lid. Against this balance are liabilities which fully cover the same. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Bobebt G. Bauchope, Chairman.

Geneeal Statement of Beceipts and Expenditube for the Year ending 31st December, 1898. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance— £ s. d. By Office staff—salaries .. .. 175 0 0 On Building Account .. .. 341 911 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 18 16 9 On Scholarship Aooount .. .. 19 8 Departmental contingencies .. .. 173 8 9 On General Account .. .. 883 11 5 Inspector's salary .. .. .. 350 0 0 On Land Fund Account .. .. 6 3 7 „ travelling-expenses .. 100 0 0 Cash in hand .. .. .. 10 0 Examination of pupil teachers .. 8 3 6 Government grant for buildings .. 2,120 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances (includOther receipts for buildings— ing rent, bonus, &c.) .. .. 10,19116 5 Payments by Committees .. .. 9 0 0 Incidental expenses of sohools .. 1,280 3 4 Sale of old material .. .. 210 0 Training of teachers .. .. .. 156 16 8 Government statutory capitation .. 11,200 1 11 Scholarships— Scholarship grant .. .. .. 233 7 6 Paid to scholars .. .. ' .. 227 10 0 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 200 0 0 Examination expenses .. .. 5 7 6 Payments by School Commissioners .. 991 7 9 School buildings— District High School fees .. .. 74 10 0 New buildings .. .. .. 1,456 19 6 Rents of school sites .. 20 18 0 Improvements of buildings .. .. 538 0 5 Furniture and appliances .. .." 234 9 6 Sites .. .. .. .. 3 0 6 Plans, supervision, and fees .. .. 80 0 0 Truant Inspectors .. .. .. 75 0 0 Balance — £ a. d. On Building Account 149 0 0 « On Scholarship Account 4 14 8 On General Aooount 985 14 5 On Land Account .. 6 3 7 Cash in hand .. 0 15 0 1,146 7 8 Less outstanding cheques 135 10 9 1,010 16 11 £16,085 9 9 £16,085 9 9 Bobebt G. Bauchope, Chairman. E. Veale, Secretary. Examined and found correct —J. K. Waebubton, Controller and Auditor-General.

REPORT ON THE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. Sir,— New Plymouth, 29th March, 1899. I have the honour to forward to you a report on the District High School, Stratford for the year 1898.

As this is the first year the District High School has been established, and as only eight of the pupils had been at secondary work for a full year, the progress on the whole has been very fair. Better educational results would, however, have been obtained had somewhat less work been attempted in some of the subjects, but prepared more thoroughly, to insure a good grounding in the elementary work, and a more rapid progress in the advanced work. I regret that three ex-pupils of the school who had been taking secondary subjects with the morning class did not present themselves for examination. I have, &c, The Chairman, Education Board. W. E. Spencee, Inspector.

Subject. Division. Pupils examined. Work done. jatin "rench Inglish I. II. I. II. I.' 12 4 9 1 10 Via Latina, to exercise 45. Via Latina, to exercise 24. Chardenal, Part I., to exercise 148. Chardenal, Part I., to exercise 50. Abbott's " How to Write Clearly," to exercise 50. page 48. " Merchant of Venice," Act IV. Book I. Book I., to Proposition XV. To simple equations. Mason, to luclid I. II. I. 18 5 14 Jgebra