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Table No. 7 — continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d 10,610 9 9 £ s. d, 482,119 3 8 Brought forward Industrial Schools (Votes Nos. 47, 61, and 101) — continued. General Contingencies— Salary of Visiting Officer .. .. .. .. 156 0 0 Travelling-expenses of Visiting Officer .. .. .. 209 7 9 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 5 0 391 12 9 Private Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland — Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 835 10 0 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. 27 13 0 807 17 0 St. Joseph's, Wellington— Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 478 18 7 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. 49 9 4 St. Mary's, Nelson — Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 2,018 9 0 I Passage .. .. .. .. .. .. 063 429 9 3 14,459 9 6 2,018 15 3 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. 205 16 3 1,812 19 0 407 1 9 Inmates maintained at other institutions Institution fob Deaf-mutes (Votes Nos. 48 and 61). Director .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 Assistants .. .. .. .. .. .. 770 0 0 Steward and Matron .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Servants .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 282 10 0 1,220 0 0 Instruction in drawing Separate instruction of two pupils Technical instruction Bent, repairs, alterations, and improved drainage (Votes Nos. 48 and 61) Travelling General maintenance 482 10 0 34 0 0 15 0 0 7 17 509 10 2 167 11 11 887 7 8 Less recoveries 3,323 1 4 258 12 9 Institution fob Blind (Vote No. 49). Charges for pupils at Jubilee Institute, Auckland Agent's railway-pass 3,064 8 7 312 15 8 30 0 0 Less recoveries Technical Instbuction (Votes Nos. 50 and 102). 342 15 8 25 12 6 317 3 2 Examinations — Science and Art Department, South Kensington City and Guilds of London Institute Grants in aid of technical classes Subsidies in aid of buildings and apparatus (Vote No. 102) Fares of students and instructors Keport on technical education Sundries .. .. .. .. ; . 56 8 11 20 2 2 2,054 10 10 2,410 13 7 143 4 5 21 11 3 0 19 2 4,707 10 4 Miscellaneous (Vote No. 51). Victoria College Council election Subsidies to Public Libraries Law- costs to Te Arai School Committee 87 8 9 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 2,137 8 9 Statutoby Gbants. University of New Zealand Auckland University College Victoria College 3,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 5,095 17 9 12,095 17 9 Total (including £55 charged to Native Reserves Funds) 518,901 1 9