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RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1899.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

Proportion of ei ;h Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. Classified Expenditure. ileage. Revenue. Total. Per Mile of Railway * per Annum (Average). a u u I i 1 J Locomotive. Carnages and 'agons.j -raffic. Heart Office. Departmental Offices. Credi it Recoveries. Total. Maintenance. Section. In B . M B r^ TrainMileage. Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Jfower. j I j lie pairs of Carriages and Wagons. Traffic Expenses. Head Office. Departmental Offices. Less Credit Recoveries, Total. °»- 0 ci a °» °«-4 .a O . . o s fl O > •si's I a o . ■ © « S . * Ah <D * 3 3 . jj - © 5 » "3 . — ' % 0. m 3 "2 *H-5 = :2 a> K W.5 n £:- og Eh^3 «=3 1 ts oS « 9 •«! ta o" s : t £ * ft " ft, Ph p, w n, Ph fi, j p0 , ■ a1 = • IS '5 . 1898-99. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Greymouth-Brunner... Grey mouth-Hokitika... Westport Nelson ... Pioton £ s. d. 2,110 15 o 12,738 II o 7,820 5 4 159,419 4 3 £ a. d. 263 16 10 675 4 8 460 o 4 501 13 8 8. d. 9 3* 8 9I 10 73 6 4 ' £ s. d. 860 16 2 £ s. (1. 413 16 1 1,899 8 11 924 13 o 24,173 11 1 £ «. a. 374 12 5 1,406 o 11 611 18 10 9.«39 7 8 £ 9. d. 742 13 11 1,424 4 9 816 2 10 £ s. cL 21 12 6 13 1 5 6 86 19 10 1,626 o 2 £ s. d. 191 13 7 420 7 3, 442 18 6 3.743 'o 8! 1 i j £ s. d.; £ s. d.| 18 17 0 2,586 7 8j 148 4 1 7,183 2 6; no 14 11 4,391 11 7 -2,841 11 17 7 7,180 6 2264,363 10 5 11,074 2 8 483,966 11 8 83 15 o 13,644 4 8 25 3 !I 5.98.3 7 8 80 o 5 22,300 4 4 305 17 8 13,871 6 1; 45 15 1 10,015 f> 4 I £ ' £ 40-78 107-60 16-09 10866 2071' 95-27 24-881 124-84 d. ! 45-38, 16-93, 26-461 1894 £ ! 19-61, 14-91! I 1-82! 15-16 £ 51-73 10069 54-39 76-07 1 d. \ £ j 2I-82J I775 1568 11-04 15-11 783 n-54 5-73 £ 46-83 74'53 36-00 28-76 j d. I £ ' 35'i8 1161 ii"i8 io'oo 10-44 436 1626 I 4-23 !5 - 42 4-04 !7'53 12-59 21-88 3-47; 12-42 12-80! 1073 4-69 29-44 9-27! 1870 £ j d. 92-8439-16 7549 1 i/ 6 4801 1333 8r57 i2 '3 8 130-53.12-38 12243 '6' 1 1 672-21.6551 54-53! 9'57 i77'95 r 9'56 i3555 !I 7-99 73-85 15-26 I £ I '02 1-03 I'll £ 2-70 6-96 5-12 5-12 H. 1-14 1 08 1-42 078 j £ j £ d. 908 23-9610-10 3-30; 22-28 3-47 5-66 2605 7-24 2-35. 1178 1-79 £ 0-89 ri6 1-41 178 £ 2-36 7-85 6-51 8-94 d. 0-99 I'22 I-8l 1-36 £ 122-53 S6-3E 56-16 63-62 £ 32330 38076 25833 319-20 (1. 136-36 59'3' 7 r 75 48-43 21 17 332 4,552 29,067 14,689 502,675 2,049 19 3 1,619 13 6 39,671 9 8 102 25,919 9 11 4Si i,i54 8 24 3> 23 21 1,141,170 2,090,381 19,700 32,822 67,677 41,585 24,390 381,753 6 6 800,437 7 3 24,577 5 1 10,536 7 7 5L39I 2 4 10,588 4 9 8,292 12 5 846 9 2 698 10 2 3,072 3 2 439 o 4 1.657 '5 7 460 7 2 394 17 9 6 8i 7 8 24 nl 6 5 15 2i 5 1 6 9I 100,902 16 9 185,528 17 10 3,068 11 7 3.025 7 11 7,159 6 0 7.973 ' 9 5,328 14 o 79,733 'O 9 112,715 17 4 3.138 "3 2 796 9 o 4.374 16 4 1,689 IO 7 1,671 18 o 20,110 8 n 35,164 2 6 1,033 8 10 473 l6 3 3,610 11 1 813 o 6 942 5 5 58,868 3 n 140,290 13 8 5,377 12 8 i,3o3 14 4 5,5i6 6 3 3,117 12 6 1,550 18 o 3,8l2 II 1 8,094 18 9 1 251 8 o 106 15 3 5 2 3 15 7 107 14 7 8-' 13 9 8,116 5 2 13.246 4 3 858 5 5! 297 8 IO! i,i95 9 6 476 3 10, 484 12 3 26-43223-73 2318 161-90 12-4938357 2871 12606 13-93230-94 75'30 346-66 64-2625375 I 2T22 21-30 37-38 22'12 2S-39 46-02 52-44 20-89 14-08 12-77 7-56 851 15-96 20' 16 176-79 98-36 392-33 33- [ 9 141-12 73-46 79-61 1677 5-27 12-94 4'39 3824. 4-21 5'82 ! 4-50, iS'S 1 ; 7-03, 9-75! 7 -68[ 16-45 11-36 44'59 30-69 12918 19-74 116-47 35'35 44-87 TOO roi I 02 8-45 7-06 3143 4'45 16-90 4-68 3'94 080 093 3-06 0-78 1 86 062 081 2-13! 1800! 171 1-65! 11-56! 1-52 349 107-28 1046 282; 12-39 2-17 2'33 3856 4-24 4-5°, 20-70 2-75 584 23-08 4-77 201, 14-27 178 1-89 1-38 034 0-24 o'i6 2-89 o-55 15-92 9-66 10-47 1-05 2-58 13-30 2-18 I-5I 1-27 I'02 0-18 0-28 1-76 0-45 69-25 60-46 55-52 56-79 43-39 131-01 12077 586-17 422-3-1! 1 >705'53| 249-31 719-36 603-10 476-92 55-57 166-22 43 75 79-08 80-06 98-55 ro2 ro2 I'02 I'00 _l _ Totals ... 21,914 8 6929,737 10 6 I 24-30172-92 2i'6o IS-75 112-09 14-00 5-01 35-67 4-46 16-67 118-56 14 81 101 7-19 0-90 1-49 io'6i 1-33 63-26 450-11 56-22-2,090! 3.968.708 1,469,6^5 « 6 711 10 2 7 5 !3S7,i88 14 5 231.532 4 3, '3,679 13 4 244.032 12 9 14,845 15 o, 29,472 19 3 1897-98. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland Welling ton- XapierNew Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Greymouth-Bru hihm-... G-reymouth-Hokitikii... "Westport Nelson Pieton 8 18 '7 312 45' 1,142 8 5,120 28,200 20,337 469,827 990,947 1,971,881 19,726 31,116 65-5I7 39.894 23,918 £ s. d. 2,322 15 5 12,522 5 7 11,737 9 I0 148,117 o 2 342,699 7 8 760,021 10 1 25,049 o 7 9,826 3 10 45.655 17 6 10,097 5 " 7.958 18 3 £ s. d. 290 6 11 695 13 8 690 8 10 475 !2 3 770 14 10 668 7 ( 1 3,131 2 7 409 8 6 1.472 15 5 439 o 3 378-19 11 s. d. 9 of 8 io| 11 6i 6 3* 6 11 7 '81 2-5 4i 6 3* 13 11* 5 o| 6 ri £ s. d. 1,199 4 o 2,661 11 7 1,790 19 3 39.036 7 7 92,704 3 o 172,601 10 8 2,618 13 4 2,450 13 7 5,550 5 3 3.!29 5 4 4.244 1 3 £ 8. d. 609 9 7 1,748 o 1 1,338 11 11 20,03.3 17 10 64,652 2 7 109,106 18 5 2,673 6 5 1,238 2 4 4,026 3 4 2,334 2 11 1,522 19 1 £ s. d. 246 11 o 2,142 10 9 616 5 o 6,202 I I 2 18,221 16 5 31,687 8 2 1,009 I0 8 860 17 3 2,760 o 1 54i 5 3 1,055 4 o £ s. d. 721 8 11 1,626 15 4 1.109 14 6 24,387 4 10 52,477 9 " 135,764 10 8 5,581 10 6 1,235 15 " 5,235 '5 6 3,024 3 4 1,481 17 2 £ s. d. 23 17 7! 124 16 4 116 10 o 1,433 18 8 3-39 1 S >° 7,322 10 2 263 17 5 98 11 7 454 14 10 100 14 5 73 3 4 £ s. d. \ 193 >5 4 ! 361 3 9 387 6 2 3,675 o 9 7,161 11 7 12,761 8 6 787 11 9 271 4 11 i,M3 '3 7 , 442 6 7 473 4 5 £ e. d. 34 6 6 126 15 3 106 7 2 3,481 7 10 3.623 15 9 11,056 17 11 29 11 6 15 14 6 247 19 5 266 19 11 147 9 o £ 8. d. 2,959 19 11 8,538 2 f, \ 5,252 19 8 91,292 13 o; 234,984 13 7 458,187 8 8 12,904 18 7 6,139 11 1 18,922 13 2 I 9,304 17 " 8,703 o 3 £ 5!-63 21-25 15-26 26-36 27-05 22-71 1046 24-94 I2'l6 £ : 149-90 147-86: 1053s 125-34 208-49 1S178 327'33 I02-II 179-04 I-3606 202'10 156-21 122-65 21-14 19-94 22-45 21-01 31-86 18-90 20-33 1883 42-59 £ j 26-24; 13-96! 11-41 13-53: 18-87 14-36 10-67 12 60 8-82 £ ! 76-19 97-11 78-74 ] 64-35 95-9S 334-I7 5 1 59 129-88 101-48 72-52 d. 28-57 14-88 15-80 10-23 15-66 1328 32-53 9-55 »4'75 14-04 15-28 £ io'6i 17-11! S'25 4-19 S'3 2 417 4-03 8-76 6-04' 5-36 13-26 £ 30-82; >I9'03; 36-2Si 19-92; 40-98 27-86 126-19 35-8? 89-03 23-S3| 50-25! d. "•5° 18-24, 7'27i 3>7. 4'4 1 j 3-86 I2'28| 664! JO'lI 3-26 10-59; £ ! 31-06, I2-99| 945 16-46 '5 3i i 7 86| 22 28 12-58 11-47 29-95 18-62 I' £ ' d. I £ , 90-l8 33'S2 I 03 ] 90-38 13-84 TOO 65-2813-10 099 78-31 12-46 0-97 118-02 12-71 0-99 119-3916-52 0-96 697-696791. 1-03 51-49 9-53' i-oo 168-9019-18 1-oo 131-49 18-19 100 70-5714-87 0-92 113-8615-23 0-97 £ 2-98 6-Q3 6-86 4-61 7'63 6-44 32-99 411 14-67 4-38 3-48 d. l'I2 ro6 1'37 073 0-82 089 3-21 0-76 1-67 o'6i 0-73 £ 8-34 2-88 3-30 2-48 209 1-68 3-i5 2-76 250 4-38 5'95 £ 24-22 20-07 22-78 n-8o 1611 Il"22 98-45 11-30 36-89 19-23 22-53 d. 9-08 3-07 4-57 i-88 i-74 i'55 9-58 209 4-19 2-66 £ 1-48I 1-oi 091 2-35 1-06 i'45 012 0'i6 o-54 2-64 1-85 £ 429 7-04 6-26 11-18 8-15 9-72 3-70 0-65 800 1161 7-02 d. 1 61 1-08 1-26 178 088 . i.'34 036 Q'12 09I I-6l I-48 £ 127-43* 68-i8| 44'75| 61-64; 6857 60-29! 5i'52: 62-48! 4I-45 1 ! 92-I5J '09-35! £ ! d. 3700013875; j 47434 7 2 '66 309-00 61-99. : 2 93 1 5 46-63 j 52849 56-91 ! 402-92 55 77 1,613-12 15701 j 25582 47-35 ! 610-41 69-32 i 404-56 55-98 ; 41443 87-33 1 24 3 1 23 21 30-99 53-32 23-11 19-13 4-75 ! I I "j , 4i9'53 56-11 I ! Totals I60-53 21-47 15-21 102-43 13-70 475 31-98 4-27; 16-91 6-56 o-88 2 - 0I 13-54 i-8i i'39 9'37 1-25 62-30 12,055! 13,666,481 r.376,007 14 10! 673 9 1 7 6 [327,986 14 13 !209,2'!S 14 6 1 '65,343 "9 9 '232,646 6 7 13,404 o 2i 27,658 7 I9,i37 4 9 18 5 23-84