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was obtained. This low level is in a distance of 620 ft., and it is expected that the reef will be cut when about 50 ft. more has been driven. Several promising-looking reefs aud leaders have been cut in this level, and driven on some distance, but have not proved payable so far as they have been worked on. Two men were employed. Kauri Block. Hauraki Mine (Area, 28 acres 3 roods 1 perch ; owner, the Hauraki Gold-mining Company, Limited ; mine-manager, Francis Hodge).—This mine still continues to produce a large quantity of valuable quartz. During the year 2,089 tons of quartz and 2,312 lb. picked stone was crushed for results valued at £16,545. The development-works have chiefly been confined to shaft-sinking, winzes, driving, rising, and stoping. The main shaft has a depth of 420 ft. to the bottom of the well-hole and the lona shaft. The number of levels opened consist of the adit-level, the 100 ft., 160 ft.. 220 ft., 300 ft., and 400 ft. levels. There are eleven reefs and leaders which have been opened in the ground, and works have been carried out on some of them at each of the various levels. The machinery used at the mine consists of one 88-horse-power horizontal engine; one 10-horse-power vertical engine, used for pumping at the Hauraki and the lona shafts respectively ; one 22-horse-power horizontal winding-engine, Hauraki shaft ; one 30-horse-power winding-engine (horizontal), used at the Union Beach shaft; one 26-horse-power horizontal engine for working stamps, &c. ; one 36-horse-power horizontal engine, used for air-compressing; and one 6-horse-power air-winch : all driven by steam with the exception of the latter. There are 102 wages-men employed at the mill and battery. The following account of the mine and workings has been furnished by Captain Hodge, the manager : — " The developments in this mine during the past year have principally been carried on in the levels from the adit to the 400 ft. The principal gold-producing reefs have been cross reef No. 2, No. 6 reef, and adit-level No. 2 reef. We have sunk shafts 85 ft., driven cross-cuts 515 ft., and extended on lodes 1,524 ft., risen 154 ft., sunk winzes 242 ft., stoped 4,565 ft., and cleared levels, &c, 456 ft., making a grand total of 7,541 ft. The above figures represent work of the year ending the 10th December last. The following also are for that period: Total gold won, 5,790 oz. 11 dwt.; total quartz crushed, 2,179 tons ; picked stone, 1 ton 3 qr. 14 lb. ; average price of gold per ounce, £2 18s. 1134 d. The average yield of gold per ton of ore was 2 oz. 13 dwt.; total value, £17,066 ss. 10d. Our costs this year have been £16,257, irrespective of London costs. The old Union Beach section has been drained, and fair discoveries of gold made. We have sold from this portion of the mine since it has been drained about one thousand pounds' worth of bullion. The mine has done well considering, and bids fair to pay working-expenses for some time, irrespective of any new discoveries." Bunker's Hill (Area, 3 acres and 12 perches; owners, Bunker's Hill Gold-mining Company ; mine-manager, H. Moorcraft). —This mine adjoins the Hauraki Mine, to the northward. The workings are carried on from a shaft 270 ft. in depth, from which four levels are opened. Several reefs have been cut, but the only one operated on during the year is known as the 4 in. leader. The depths of the levels below the surface are as follows: No. 1, 140 ft. ; No. 2, 205 ft. ; No. 3, 270 ft.; and No. 4, 335 ft. The machinery consists of one 35-horse-power Tangye winding-engine, with a 20-horse-power tubular boiler, used for winding purposes, valued at £1,200. 165 lb. of specimen stone was crushed, for a yield of 260 oz. 17 dwt. of gold, valued at £783. Nine wagesmen were employed. Welcome Find Mine (Area, 8 acres 1 rood 8 perches; owner, Welcome Find Gold-mining Company, Limited; manager, John G. Vivian). —This mine has been continuously worked during the year, but the returns have not yielded sufficient to pay expenses. Mr. John G. Vivian gives the following account of the mine and work done during the year : — . "The shaft is 236 ft. in depth, and there are three levels opened from it. No. 1 level is 110 ft. below the surface ; No. 2, 170 ft. ; and No. 3, 230 ft. The development-works at No. 3 level have been driving on quartz and 337 ft. of cross-cutting, also stoping out about 30 fathoms of reef. There are four lodes exposed at this level, varying from 5 in. to 8 ft. in width, all of which are encased in firm andesitic rock, the most of the quartz being highly oxidized. The company have, in addition, done a good deal of development-work during the year in the form of driving, rising, sinking, and stoping at the Nos. 1 and 2 levels, as well as at the surface-level. The mine machinery consists of one 40-horse-power steam-engine, for winding and pumping. There is no crushing-mill connected with the mine, but 26 tons of ore and a parcel of picked stone were crushed at the Thames, yielding 59 oz. 15 dwt. melted gold, valued at £179 ss. The average number of men employed during the year was thirteen." The directors intend to apply for six months' protection, in order to afford time for raising further working capital. Neiv Golconda Mine (Area, 5 acres ; owner, New Golconda Gold-mining Company ; minemanager, R. H. Harrison). —This mine is worked from a shaft 135 ft. deep, which is also the greatest depth below the surface. There are two levels opened, one at a depth of 80 ft. and the other at 135 ft. A limited extent of driving and stoping has been carried on during the year. The mine is under protection at present. The company's available capital having been expended, it was deemed advisable to suspend operations. Kathleen Mine (Area, 36 acres 2 roods ; owner, Kathleen Gold-mine, Limited; mine - manager, Francis Hodge).—Work at this mine was discontinued during a portion of the year, but operations have recently been recommenced. The machinery consists of one 70-horse-power Tangye horizontal engine (compound) for pumping, and one 30-horse-power Tangye horizontal engine (compound) for winding. Wages-men to the number of twenty were employed. The following information has been supplied by the manager, Captain Hodge : — " This company has been resuscitated during the year. The principal development here is sinking the shaft, which is now nearly down to the 300 ft. level. We may possibly sink another