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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated sth July, 1898. Ordered, " That a return be furnished to this House showing (1) what losses (if any) have been made for loans under the Advances to Settlers Act; (2) the total amount paid under the 1-per-cent. repayment fund for the extinction of the loans; (8) the total amount advanced to settlers; (4) the balance remaining, committed and uncommitted." —(Hon. J. G. Ward.)

Ebtuen showing Losses, &c, under Advances to S-Bttlees Act. 1. What losses (if any) have been made for loans under the Advances to Settlers Act ?—Nil. 2. Total amount paid under the 1-per-cent. repayment fund for the extinction of the 10an5.—£20,065 9s. 6d. 3. Total amount advanced to settlers. —£1,421,520. It may here be mentioned that the amount (£32,254 175.) advanced in excess of the amount of the loan available for lending purposes, £1,389,265 3s. (£4,836 17s. being still temporarily invested), comprises moneys (repayments of mortgages, and deposits against mortgages) withdrawn from the Public Trustee. 4. The balance remaining, committed and uncommitted.—Of the balance remaining (in addition to moneys held by the Public Trustee in respect of mortgages repaid, and deposits against mortgages), £60,405 has been committed, and £10,083 is still uncommitted. John McGowan, Superintendent. Government Advances to Settlers Office, Wellington, 7th July 1898. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,460 copies), 16s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B.

Price 3d.]