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Report brought u/p on 2nd September, 1898, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 13th Day of July, 1898. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed to inquire and report as to the best means ot securing a quick and regular steam-service between the Ports of Wellington and Lyttelton ; the Committee to consist of Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Duthie, Mr. J. Hutcheson, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Lewis, Mr. M. J. S. Mackenzie, Mr. McNab, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Millar, and the mover, with power to call for persons and papers, and to report within fourteen days : three to be a quorum."— (Mr. Wright.)

Tuesday, the 26th Day of July, 1898. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 211 be suspended, and the name of the Hon. Mr. Cadman be added to the Wellington-Lyttelton Steam-service Committee." —(Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon.)

Thursday, the 28th Day of July, 1898. Ordered, "That an extension of time of one month be granted to the Wellington-Lyttelton Steam-service Committee in which to bring up their report."—(Mr. Wright.)

EEPOET. I am directed to report that the Select Committee appointed to inquire and report upon the best means of improving the steam-communication between the Ports of Wellington and Lyttelton have called such expert evidence upon this subject as was readily available, and have arrived at the following conclusions: — (1.) That the importance of the traffic between the two Islands, by way of Wellington and Lyttelton, is such as to demand a faster and more punctual steam-service than that at present provided. (2.) That the time occupied in a journey between Dunedin and Auckland, or Auckland and Dunedin, by rail and steamer should not exceed fifty-one hours, instead of, as is the case, three or four days, by the existing unconnected service. (3.) That, in order to render the journey possible within the time now suggested, it is essential that the railway time-table should be recast so that the steamers could be run to connect with the I—l. 6.