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colony; but I would venture to suggest that, if arrangements could be made by the Secretary of State for War to have the supplies of the available selected publications transmitted to this office, I should be prepared to forward them from time to time to the proper quarter in the colony. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. W. P. Ebbvbs.

Sm,— War Office, London, S.W., 23rd October, 1897. With reference to your letter of the 29th ultimo (20749), I am directed by the Marquess of Lansdowne to acquaint you that a selection of military books, a list of which is enclosed, is about to be forwarded to the Agent-General of New Zealand, in accordance with the request made by him in the letter which accompanied your communication. This department will be glad to be informed later on where the military library, for which this contribution is intended, is located. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. G. Lawson.

List of Books. Encampments and Cantonments, Eegulations for. Cavalry Division, The, Troop Leading Studies in. Field Artillery Drill. Field Artillery, The Tactics of. Garrison Artillery Drill, Vols. I. and 11. Siege Artillery Drill. Engineering, Military, Manual of. Engineering, Military, Instruction in. Infantry Drill. Infantry, Mounted, Eegulations for. Infantry Sword Exercise. Army Service Corps, Supply Handbook for the. Musketry : Eifle and Carbine Exercises (Lee-Metford). Siege Operations in the Campaign against France, 1870-71. Tactical Studies of the Battles of Columby, Neuilly, and Nionville. Topography, &c. : What to observe and how to report it. Administration : Military and Staff Dutie.s. Army Book for the British Empire, The. Life in the Army, A British Soldier's. Number of Troops to the Yard in the Principal Battles since 1850. Staff Duties : A Series of Lectures for the Use of Officers at Staff College. Strategy, The Elements of. Transport Duties, Eegimental, Manual of Instruction in. Transport, Notes on, and on Camel Corps. Works prepared in the Intelligence Division. Africa, British East. British Minor Expeditions, 1746-1814. China-Japanese War, 1894-95, Epitome of. Denghil Tepe, Siege and Assault of. Egypt, The Campaign of 1882 in, Military History of. Hostilities without Declaration of War. Soudan Campaign, History of the. Tactics, Modern, Precis of. Cavalry : Instructions for Training, Employment, and Leading. Translated by Captain C. W. Bowdler Bell. Small Wars, by Major C. E. Callwell. Staff, General, Duties of. Translated by Lieut.-Colonel Hare, E.E. Staff Duties in the Field, by Captain J. M. Grierson. Valparaiso : Precis of Information. Handbooks of Foreign Armies. One set, complete —latest editions.

No. 46. (General.) My Loed, — Downing Street, 4th November, 1897. In reply to your Lordship's despatch No. 50, of the 2nd September, I a.have the honour to convey to you my approval of the regulations enclosed No - therein governing the issue of the Volunteer Forces in New Zealand, subject to the following alteration being made in the date named in the first and second paragraphs of the regulations, after which service must be continous : —

■1, 1898, . 5.