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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

item. 1878-79. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. £ £ 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 VOTE No. 71— continued. Reimbursing Public Account with amount embezzled — rent, Section 362, Waioeka (H. Harvey) Remission of one year's rent to T. H. Macdougall and C. T. White, for damage to runs by fire ... Remission of two years' rent to P. Scally on account of flood-damage Remission of rent to settlers, Raureka Settlement, on account of flood-damage Remission of rent, &c, omitted to be collected by Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland—Section 3, Block XVI., Waitoa Remission of rent to W. Matheson, Section 12, Hall Special Settlement, on account of damage by fire Remission of rent to Mary Eliza Ryder, Lot 12, Reserve 1178, Nukuroa, annual rent £5 4s., 1 year Remission of rent and interest, Mrs. Harvey, Section 77, Mangaramarama Remission of rent and interest, .1. Weadick, Section 69, Block XVIIL, Mangahao Remission of rent and interest, W. Brown, Section 56, Block VIII., Mangahao Remission of rent to settlers, Raureka Settlement (additional) Repayment of survey-fee deposited by J. Alderson Relief Fund, fire and flood, grant-in-aid ... Re-erection Public Hall, Bainham, repayable by instalments Re-erection of pavilion, Geraldine Domain (contribution) Sanatorium Expenses— Hanmer, Maintenance Hanmer, Additions to Nuhaka, Maintenance Rotorua, Maintenance ... ... Tokaanu, Maintenance Te Puia, Maintenance ... ... ... Seddonville cemetery, liability for fencing and improvements Subsidy to doctors in outlying districts Subsidy to Doctor, Hanmer Hot Springs ... Subsidy to doctor, Te Aroha Springs Subsidy to Auckland Institute for conservation of Little Barrier Island Subsidy for steamer, Lake Te Anau Subsidy for steamer, Lake Wanaka Subsidy for steamer, Wanganui River Scenery advertisement and promotion of tourist traffic Supply of fish-ova and acclimatisation offish, animals, <fcc. South Westland mail-steamer subsidy, monthly service Tongariro National Park—Hut and expenses of Board Tongaporutu River steamer subsidy Village homestead settlers'arrears In satisfaction of 110 naval and military claims recommended for payment in Commissioner's Report, H.-13, 1898 10 174 9 73 5 15 5 20 14 7 54 10 240 200 10 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 800 350 100 200 100 100 76 77 78 79 60 400 100 50 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 200 200 50 438 500 300 250 200, 10 100 3,485 Total —Vote No. 71 26,306 TOTAL OF CLASS XV J612: 978