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I am directed to report that, in the face of the fact that the petitioner has, through his solicitor, threatened to take legal proceedings in this matter, and that, not having done so, he has not exhausted his legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th October, 1898.

Nos. 325 and 330.—Petitions of H. Beaufoy and 4 Others, of Te Arai, Poverty Bay, and D. SiDEY and Others, of Napier. The petitioners pray that the payment of certain costs incurred by a portion of the Te Arai School Committee may be settled by the Government. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the costs of the Te Arai School Committee be subjected to taxation, and that the amount, when ascertained, should be paid by the Government, and deducted from the annual grant to the Hawke's Bay Education Board. 14th October, 1898.

No 335. —Petition of J. E. Duncan, of Jervois Eoad, Ponsonby, Auckland (No. 2). The petitioner prays that an inquiry may be held into the administration of the Treasury Department. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not formulated any specific charge against any person in the Treasury Department, nor yet produced any evidence to support his vague general charges, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st October, 1898.

Nos. 268 and 269. —Petitions of B. J. Butteewoeth and 23 Others, of Papakura, and W. McLaughlin and 133 Others, of Papakura, Auckland. The petitioners pray that a sum of money may be placed upon the estimates to metal a portion of the Great South Eoad in the Auckland District. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 21st October, 1898.

No. 156.—Petition of Joseph Hbaley and 3 Others, of Whakatane. The petitioners pray for payment by the Government of the balance of certain contract moneys said to be owing. I am directed to report that, no corroborative evidence having been produced to support the petitioners' statements, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th October, 1898.

No. 350.—Petition of J. B. Leslie, of Wellington. The petitioner prays that he may be granted a compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, upon the evidence adduced, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th October, 1898.

No. 339.—Petition of Eobeet Bakee, of New Plymouth. The petitioner prays for compensation for military services. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner's claim has been considered and reported upon by the Commissioner appointed under " The Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896," and as no further action can be taken without fresh legislation upon the matter, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th October, 1898.

No. 312. —Petition of H. L. Geeee, of Johnsonville. The petitioner prays for an inquiry into the mode of carrying out certain co-operative works. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. The Committee further recommends that in all future co-operative contracts a schedule of all the quantities of the work to be done should be attached to, and form part of, the contract before the work is commenced. This step seems necessary in view of the frequent complaints of a similar nature. 27th October, 1898.

No. 353.—Petition of H. yon Blaeambbeg, of Palmerston North (No. 2). The petitioner prays for inquiry and compensation. I am directed to report that the Committee, having read this petition, and having found that the same contains language of an improper character regarding the General Government, recommends that the petition should not be allowed to proceed.. 28th October, 1898.

No. 341. —Petition of H. Baucke, of Wellington (No. 2). The petitioner prays that his claims against the Government of New Zealand may receive prompt attention and payment. I am directed to report that the Committee, having read this petition, and having found that the same contains language of an improper character regarding the officials of the State, recommends that the petition should not be allowed to proceed. 28th October, 1898.