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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 18' '8-99. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY— continued' 11 VOTE No. 70— continued. Salabies— continued. Southland District — Chief Surveyor and Commissioner of Crown Lands Assistant Surveyor 6 Draughtsmen: 1 (Chief) at £270, 1 at £275, 1 at £240, 3 at £200 4 Clerks : 1 (Receiver of Land Revenue) at £245, 1 at £220, 1 at £130, 1 at £110 ... ... • 4 Cadets : 3 at £60, 1 at £40 ... Ranger £ 475 220 1,385 705 220 250 3,255 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Othee Chabges— Equipment and Wages (Staff) Temporary Surveyors and Parties Contract and Schedule Surveys Surveys: Landless Natives, Ac. Native Land Purchase Surveys Travelling-expenses Instruments and other Office Requisites ... Advertising, Printing, and Binding Rent of Offices Commission on Money-orders ... Contingencies ... ... 59,672 18,000 22,000 2,300 2,000 2,000 5,000 1,500 1,200 500 500 13,000 68,000 Less estimated Credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 127,672 30,000 Total—Vote No. 70 97,672 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. ' . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 71. Accommodation-house, Conway Accommodation-house, Waikaremoana ... Assistance to invalids—Passages to hot springs Balnealogist and expenses Board of Examiners of Surveyors Bridgewater Recreation-ground contribution Compensation to G. Watson on account of injuries on East Road Works Compensation for injuries to employes while in discharge of their duties, medical and other attendance during illness, and contingent expenses in connection with 500 400 20 1,000 50 100 55 8 same Compensation to M. Tansey for alteration of road through Section 10, Block IX., Hautapu Compensation to C. J. Warren for overvaluation of improvements bought, Section 12, Block X., Makuri Expenses of inquiries, &c. ... ... Expenses of removal of temporary officers... Fees to Members of Waste Lands Boards ... Freight on timber for caretaker's house, Little Barrier (Marine Department) Guide, Milford Sound (D. Sutherland) "Glimpses of New Zealand," 200 copies Grass-seed to settlers whose crops have been destroyed by natural disaster, to be repaid Grass-seed for Crown lands 150 I 9 66 10 11 12 13 14 13 100 250 1,500 15 10 17 50 50 200 18 5,000 2,000