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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item, 189: -99. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. £ £ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 5 6 7 8 Vote No 67 — continued. Pensions to Recipients of N.Z.Cross Special Allowance to ex-Constable Packer, for serious permanent injuries received in the service Special Allowance to ex-Constable Miles Leighton, for serious permanent injuries received in the service... Compassionate Allowance to the Children of late Torpedoman Heighton at the rate of £1 per week Compassionate Allowance to ex-Torpedoman Cornwall for injuries received at the Shelly Bay explosion, at 15s. per week ... ... Compassionate Allowance to the mother of the late Gunner R. Driver Compensation to the Widow of the late Acting Bombardier J. Densem, No. 2 Service Company Compensation to four Sergeants-Major on retirement from service Compensation to Gunner D. Galvin, medically unfit for further service Compensation for damage done by sea-encroachment at St. Clair Repairs, &c, to Military Graveyards Repairs to Machinery and Hulls of Steam-launches " Lyttelton," " Gordon," " Isabel," and " Ballance" Repairs to Jetty at Shelly Bay Proportion of Salaries of two Inspectors of Explosives Proportion of Salary and Expenses of Imperial Officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores Expenses in connection with Native Disturbance at Rawene Expenses in connection with "Explosives Act Amendment Act, 1897 " Expenses, Rifle-shooting Competitions ... Purchase, &c, of Medals Purchase of Martini-Henry and other Ammunition ... Camp Equipage, Stores, &c. Volunteer Camps of Instruction Erection of Volunteer Offices at Christchurch Boring Cylinders for HP. Mountings, B L. Guns Moiety of Expenses towards rebuilding the Sea-wall of the Military Cemetery at Tauranga Passages from England for Officer and Non-commis-sioned Officer, Royal Artillery Passages and Expenses of two Military Cadets sent to England for Instruction 200 40 30 52 39 25 146 300 119 400 150 300 100 100 16 17 18 180 19 1,500 20 300 700 150 14,000 6,200 2,700 180 350 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 75 29 200 30 420 Total—Vote No. 67 29,05 TOTAL OF CLASS XIIL .£11 i,680 • • «