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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 23rd September, 1898. Ordered, "That there be laid before this House a return setting out a copy of the vouoher for the £146 paid to the Secretary of the Premier out of Vota No. 37, item 10, Glass V., of the Appropriations of last year, in addition to the grant of £1,750 to defray the expenses of the Premier's visit to London; and also copies of all correspondence between the Treasury (or the Post and Talegraph Department) and the Audit Office, on the subject of such payment of £146, together with a memorandum of the amount of the salary of such Secretary of tha Premier included in the Post and Telegraph vote." —(Mr. G. Hutchison.)

Betukn showing the Amount of the Salaby of the Segkbtaby to the Pbbmieb included in the Pose and Telegraph Vote for 1898-99 :— £250. Note. —There has not been any correspondence between the Audit Office and this department -on the subject of the payment of the travelling-allowance to Mr. Crow; nor with the Treasury. 4th October, 1898. " W. Gbay.

Copy of Vouchee. The New Zealand Government, Post Office and Telegraph Department, Dr. to W. Crow. 1897. 16th April to 7th September (inclusive). —To travelling-allowance while acting as Private Secretary to the Right Hon. the Premier: 145 days at 15s. ... ... £108 15 0 15th April and Bth September : 2 days at 2s. 6d. ... ... ... ... 5 0 £109 0 0 Approved—E. J. S., 6/12/97. W. Ceow, Premier's Office, Wellington. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing account, amounting to one hundred and nine pounds, is true and correct in every particular; that the charges are reasonable ; that I actually expended on the services named the sums included in such charges which are not supported by receipts; and that I was travelling on the public service and absent from head-quarters at night during the period for which the claim is made. W. Cbow, P.S. W. Gbay. Received the sum of one hundred and nine pounds in full payment of the above account. 16th December, 1897. [Stamp.] V. J. Bbogan, General Authority.

Copy op Vouchee. The New Zealand Government, Post Office and Telegraph Department, Dr. to W. Crow. 1897. 15th April to Bth September (inclusive). —To travelling-allowance while acting as Private Secretary to the Right Hon. the Premier (15s. per day already authorised) : 147 days at ss. per day ... ... ... ... ... ... £36 15 0 Approved—R.. J. S., 24/12/97. W. Ceow, Premier's Office, Wellington. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing account, amounting to thirty-six pounds fifteen shillings, is true and correct in every particular; that the charges are reasonable ; that I actually expended on the services named the sums included in such charges which are not supported by receipts; and that I was travelling on the public service and absent from head-quarters at night during the period for which the claim is made. W. Cbow, P.S. W. Gbay. Received the sum. of thirty-six pounds fifteen shillings in full payment of the above account. lOth January, 1898. [Stamp.] V. J. Bbogan, General Authority. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,325 copies), 18s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government) Printer, Wellington.—lB9B.

Price 3d.']