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Wo. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1897. 1898. Quinney, W., Motupiko Quinney, W. F., Motupiko Quinton, H. A., Tadmor Remnant, Christopher, Ngatimoti Eemnant, Christopher, jun., Ngatimoti Remnant, H. and A., Ngatimoti Remnant, James, Ngatimoti Ricketts, C. W., Tadmor Riley, J., Sherry Robinson, Alfred, Ngatimoti Robinson, Ernest, Ngatimoti Robinson, John, Upper Moutere Roeske, H. W., Sherry Rollet, Mrs. E., Sherry Rose, F., Neudorf Rose, George, Thorpe Rose, Heinerich, Neudorf Rose, John, Thorpe Ross, G. H., Lower Moutere Ross, John, Upper Moutere Ross, George, Upper Moutere Ross, James, Pokororo Valley, Ngatimoti ... Rumbold, Henry, Motueka Russ, John, Upper Moutere Ryder Broe., Riwaka Ryder, W , jun., Riwaka, Dovedale Salisbury Brothers, Ngatimoti Salisbury Brothers, Ngatimoti Salisbury, J. fi., Ngatimoti Samson, N., Tadmor Sehildhauer, W., Upper Moutere Sehwass, Frederick, Upper Moutere Shilher, August, jun., Upper Moutere Sigglecow, August, Neudorf Simpson, Michael, Motueka Sixtus, George, Upper Moutere Sixtus, J. C. A., Neudorf Sixtus, Julius, Upper Moutere Sixtus, T. A. ¥., Neudorf Slatter, G. H., Ngatimoti Sloes, E. G., Motupiko Sloss, George, Motupiko Smith, James, Thorpe Smith, John, Tadmor Smith, Stephen, Tadmor Snook, T. A., Dovedale Spicer, G. R., Motueka Spicer, W., Motueka Stade, C, Neudorf Stade, F. C, Neudorf Stafford, William, Upper Moutere Staples, R., Motueka Staples, Robert, Motueka Starnes, S., Lower Moutere Stebbing and Atkinson, Ngatimoti Strachan Brothers, Ngatimoti Stringer, T. H., Nelson Stringer, T. N., Dovedale Talbot, Henry, Motueka Tannant, T., Lower Moutere Tarrant, L. A., Lower Moutere Taylor, Mrs. A. E., Baton Taylor, Peter, Sherry Taylor, T. R. Baton Teece, Charles, Upper Moutere Thomas, Arthur Sherry Thomason, Esmy, Tadmor Thomaeon, Henry, Ngatimoti Thomason, Thomas, Ngatimoti Thompson, Charles, Motupiko Thompson, H. P., Upper Moutere Thomson, Mrs. Mary, Motupiko Thomson, W. B., Motupiko Thorn, H. B., Dovedale Thorn, John, Stanley Brook Thorn, Joseph, Dovedale Thorn, Walter, Stanley Brook Thome, Walter, Dovedale Tregea, Arthur, Nelson and Tadmor Trewavas, R. J., Motueka Turner, Jacob, Thorpe Tutbury, Thomas, Riwaka Wallis, R. D., Motueka Webb, Alfred, NgaHmoH 359 97 75 8o 99 298 230 700 "3 116 55 900 1192 81 395 295 525 ■55 140 95 70 45° 496 1897 310 587 280 "3 3i 5 85 144 42 60 5° 98 368 32 192 420 329 363 360 61 348 98 95 27 39 131 285 '97 Nil 103 3>8 80 1 roo 1392 9' 494 281 533 19 5 1 171 196 86 Nil 395 490 252 1726 911 Nil 38 40 •7 75 '37 Nil 85 60 93 2 95 38 200 43' 400 400 372 47 198 262 56 100 636 700 122 200 267 57 160 652 635 "5 526 870 380 5° '5° 58 250 385 17 258 150 295 87 75 400 36 > 92 272 469 1063 600 356 ■43 246 90 706 7' 129 '97 '43 539 482 352 70 '75 23 250 Nil Nil 189 '52 272 40 3° 399 390 62 236 • 387 946 527 408 210 231 '5° 697 84 95 191

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1897. April 30, 1898. Wells, George, Tadmor White, A., Ngatimoti White, Alexander, Ngatimoti White, Walter, Ngatimoti Wilkens, D., Upper Moutere W ilkens, William, Upper Moutere Wilkinson, Charles, Motupiko Wilkinson, J. A., Stanley Brook Wilkinson, J. S., Stanley Brook Williams, Frank, Motueka Wills, A. F. W., Upper Moutere Wilson, J. E., Lower Moutere Win, E. J., Dovedale Win, G. G., Dovedale Win, H. L. N., Thorpe Win, J., Dovedale Win, J. W., Dovedale Win, W., Dovedale Wither, Frederick, Eiwaka Wolfe, Jacob, Sherry Woolf, J., Biwaka Woolf, J., Biwaka Woolfe, T. S., Eiwaka Wratt, J. S., Motueka Wratten, Edward, Biwaka Wratten, Henry, Motueka Wright, Mrs. Esther, Upper Motueka Valley York Henry, Biwaka, Motueka 24 75 6 '53 77 216 126 1215 595 500 60 606 S 2 264 484 474 963 454 800 2OI 8oo 90 92 *73 '97 976 636 1100 ? 2 650 7° 292 500 499 782 500 700 95 196 306 400 129 694 220 495 92 191 112 246 272 365 83 651 463 100 200 Total in county 125.997 221,562 126,911 2 23.999 COLLINGWOOD COUNTY (In Golden Bay Subdivision). Abbott, H., Takaka Adams, T. L., Collingwood Allan, W. M., Collingwood Allen, B. B., Collingwood Andrews, W., Takaka Angus, David, Bedstead, Collingwood Anselow, B. E,, Totaranui Baigent, T. J., Takaka East Baigent, T. and J., Takaka East Baigent, W. C, Takaka Baird, Charles, Takaka ■ ... Ballantyne, J., Takaka Barlow, W. H., Takaka Barnett, A. H., Upper Takaka Barnett, C. E., Upper Takaka Barnett, C. and F., Upper Takaka Barnett, Mrs. S. A., Takaka East Barnett, W. A., Takaka East Bartlett, Eobert, Takaka Bate, Daniel, Upper Takaka Bate, H., Upper Takaka Beardmore, J., Upper Takaka Beardmore, W. G., Upper Takaka Bird, W. J., Takaka Brewer, Thomas, Collingwood Buckley, Thomas, East Takaka Burt, A. T., Motupipi Byrne, H., Takaka Byrne, Patrick, Takaka Caldwell, W. S. O., Greenhills, Collingwood .. Cann, Eobert, Takaka Carson, ?-. B., Upper Takaka Cederman, G. Collingwood Charles, William, Motupipi Clear, O. H., Collingwood Cole, James, Takaka ..1 Constable, James, Motupipi Cook, William, Collingwood Coppel, J. H., East Takaka Coppell, W. G., Motupipi Curnow, W. H., Golden Bay, Collingwood... Davidson, A. B., Cape Farewell, Collingwood Diamond, William, Collingwood Dodson, A., Takaka Dodson, Thomas, Takaka Donaldson, James, Takaka Douglas, T. D>, Collingwood Duncan, George, Takaka '65 21 80 329 242 '37 544 493 464 '3' 95 284 182 291 266 80 196 353 219 374 89 28 196 97 270 250 653 80 90 130 112 8 Nil 18 101 265 250 123 132 39° 55° 5 2 5 ■9 172. 97 180 Nil 282 246 205 '94 4°3 296 452 89 34 186 87 250 90 713 90 116 191 76 Nil "5 '95 693 56 «8 76 84 1169 56 41 68 ml* 170 158 685 4' 64 77 57 1087 87 3° 58 18 '5> 12 it