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I have to request that you will inform Major Gascoyne, the Eesident Magistrate, that I have now laid the address before Her Majesty, who was much touched by this expression of the loyalty and affection of the inhabitants of the Chatham Islands, both European and Maori, and that I have been commanded by Her Majesty to thank them for their dutiful message and prayer. I have, &c, EDWAED WINGFIELD, For the Secretary of State. Governor the Eight Hon. the Earl of Eanfurly, K.C.M.G., &c.

No. 36. (Circular.) Sib, — Downing Street, 28th September, 1897. With reference to Lord Eipon's circular despatch of the 24th May, 1895, respecting the denunciation of the treaty of commerce between Great Britain and the Eepublic of Uruguay of the 13th November, 1885, I have the honour to inform you that it is probable that Her Majesty's Government will be asked to revive this treaty for a year, pending the negotiations for a new treaty, and that in such event they are of opinion that such an arrangement would be advantageous to the commercial interests of Great Britain. Unless I learn from you before the Ist December next that your Government decidedly objects to such a temporary arrangement it is proposed that the temporary revival of the treaty of 1885 shall apply to all the British colonies as well as to the United Kingdom. I have, &c, J. CHAMBEELAIN. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

No. 37. (No. 61.) My Lord, — Downing Street, 29th September, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Sir James Prendergast's despatch No. 48, of the sth August, forwarding an address to the Queen from the Education Board of North Canterbury. This address has been laid before Her Majesty, who commanded-that her thanks should be conveyed to the Education Board for this kind expression of their loyalty. . I have, &c, EDWAED WINGFIELD, For the Secretary of State. Governor the Eight Hon. the Earl of Eanfurly, K.C.M.G., &c.

No. 38. (No. 62.) My Loed, — Downing Street, 30th September, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Sir James Prendergast's despatch No. 49, of the sth August, enclosing for presentation to the Queen an address from the chiefs of Ngaitahu Tribe of aboriginal natives, residing in the Canterbury District of the Middle Island. Her Majesty, before whom I have now laid the address, was much touched by the expressions of love and loyalty which it contained, and has commanded me to convey her thanks to the chiefs of the Ngaitahu Tribe for their kind message. I have, &c, EDWAED WINGFIELD, For the Secretary of State. Governor the Eight Hon. the Earl of Eanfurly, K.C.M.G., &c.

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