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Wm. Alfred Fitzherbert, Secretary and Treasurer, in account current with the Trustees of the Hospital Estate, from 22nd November, 1865, to 30th December, 1866.

I have examined this account and find it correct with the vouchers, the balance of £255 os. 2d. being deposited as follows, viz.:—Union Bank of Australia, to credit of Messrs. Pox, Fitzherbert, and Ward, £16 16s. 5d.; Bank of New South Wales, to credit of Secretary, £238 3s. 9d. 31st December, 1866. W. Holmes, Auditor.

Wm. Alfred Fitzherbert, Secretary and Treasurer, in account with the Trustees of the Hospital Estate, from 31st December, 1866, to 1st January, 1868.

I have examined this account and find it correct with the vouchers. March, 1868. Wμ. Holmes, Auditor. 4—H. 21b.

1866. £ s. d. 1866. £ s. a. 2 Jan. By Secretary on account of salary.. 2 0 0 11 „ „ Bolton, building chimneys at Provincial Hospital .. 31 15 0 26 Feb. „ Connelly, making and erecting water-spouts at old Supreme Court-house .. .. 3 0 0 25 March „ Insurance of Provincial Hospital 20 0 0 16 April „ Secretary, on account of salary and commission .. .. 10 0 0 6 July „ Auditor .. .. .. 10 0 6 „ „ Mr. Vennell for valuing land .. 2 2 0 6 „ „ Mr. Skeet, surveying hospital land 0 10 6 „ Insurance Company, survey of chimneys at hospital .. 110 25 Aug. „ Secretary, on account of salary and commission .. .. 3 5 9 28 „ „ Secretary, on account of salary and commission .. .. 1-2 0 0 12 Nov. „ Lockie, repairs to hospital .. 50 0 0 26 „ „ Toxward, architect .. .. 6 10 0 28 „ „ Lockie, repairs to hospital .. 48 10 0 11 Dec „ Secretary, balance of salary ana commission up to 22nd Nov., 1866 .. .. .. 8 14 0 11 „ „ Credit balanoe at Union Bank.. 16 16 5 11 „ „ Balance in New South Wales Bank .. .. .. 238 3 9 To Balance in Union Bank of Australia .. .. .. 16 16 5 „ Balance in New South Wales Bank .. .. .. 106 13 0 8 Jan. „ Bolton, rent to 25th Deo., 1865, one quarter year .. .. 5 0 0 8 „ „ Clapham, rent to 25th Dec, 1865, half-year .. .. .. 19 10 0 8 „ „ Coffee, rent to 25th Dec, 1865, one year .. .. .. 4 0 0 9 „ „ Bull, on account of renb .. 10 0 0 3 Feb. „ Connolly, rent to 25th Dec, 1865, one year .. .. .. 5 0 0 3 , „ Creamer, rent to 25th Dec, 1865, one year .. .. .. 3 0 0 3 „ „ Hatfield, rent to 25th Dec, 1865, one year .. .. .. 3 0 0 5 March „ Rent of Native Chief's house to 31st Dec, 1865, viz., two and a half years, at £20 per annum 50 0 0 6 July „ Maney, on account of rent .. 5 0 0 6 „ „ Stewart, rent to 25th March, 1866 3 0 0 30 „ „ Bolton, rent to 25th June, 1866, half-year .. .. .. 10 0 0 30 „ „ Clapham, rent to 25th June, 1866, half-year .. .. .. 19 10 0 20 Aug. ,, Rent old Supreme Court-house to 30th June, 1866 .. .. 150 0 0 20 Nov. „ Stewart, rent to 25th Sept., 1866 3 0 0 20 „ i, Creamer, „ „ one year 2 0 0 20 „ ,, Rent Native Chiefs' house up to 25th March, 1866 .. .. 10 0 0 26 „ „ Freeman, rent to 20th Nov., 1866, one year .. .. .. 10 0 0 28 „ „ Bull on account of rent .. 20 0 0 \ £445 9 5 £445 9 5

1867. 1 Jan. 29 April 29 „ 29 » 3 June 10 „ 10 ,, 10 . 10 , 15 July 19 „ 28 Oct. 20 Nov. 20 „ 20 „ 3 Deo. £ s. a. Tβ Balance in New South Wales Bank .. .. .. 238 3 9 „ Gofiee, rent to 25th Dec, 1866, one year .. .. .. 4 0 0 „ Boltoii, rent to 25th Dec, 1866, half-year .. .. .. 10 0 0 „ Clapham, rent to 25th Dec, 1866, half-year .. .. .. 13 10 0 „ Old Supreme Court-house and General Government Printing Office, to 25th March, threequarters of a year .. .. 150 0 0 „ Bent, Hatfield, to 25th Dec, 1866, one year .. .. 3 0 0 „ Stewart, rent to 25th March, 1867, half-year .. .. 3 0 0 , Creamer, rent to 1st January, 1867, half-year .. .. 3 0 0 , Connelly, rent to 25th Dec, 1866, one year .. .. .. 5 0 0 „ Bull, rent to 25th June, 1867 (arrears) .. .. .. 74 0 0 „ Clapham, rent to 25th June, 1867, half-year .. .. .. 19 10 0 „ Dr. Grace, rent to 25th August, 1867, half-year .. .. 16 5 0 „ Creamer, rent to 25th Sept., 1867, one year .. .. 2 0 0 „ Freeman, rent to 20th Nov., 1867, one year .. .. .. 10 0 0 „ Stewart, rent to 25th Sept., 1867, half-year .. .. .. 3 0 0 „ Balance drawn from Union Bank 16 16 1 1867. £ s. d. 25 Mar. By Insurance of Provincial Hospital 20 0 0 29 April „ McKenzie, contractor's repairs to hospital .. .. 200 0 0 29 „ „ Bolton, repairs to Provincial Hospital .. .. .. 17 0 29 „ „ Creamer, refund .. .. 10 0 10 June „ Lockie, contractor, balance of his account .. .. .. 32 10 0 10 „ „ Auditor .. .. .. 110 10 „ „ Collector, on aocount of salary.. 5 0 0 10 „ „ Secretary, commission .. 11 6 0 5 July „ McKenzie, on account of contract 68 10 0 19 „ „ Toxward, amount of commission superintending McKenzie's contract .. .. .. 19 0 6 20 Aug. „ Collector, on account.. .. 5 0 0 17 Sept. „ McKenzie, balance of his account 89 10 0 30 „ „ Secretary, commission .. 8 0 0 25 Nov. „ Hart and Buckley .. .. 5 0 0 25 „ „ Provincial Government donation 90 0 0 25 „ „ Independent Office, printing .. 110 9 Deo. „ Toxward, drawing plan .. 2 2 0 1 July „ Balance in New South Wales Bank .. .. .. 16 12 4 £577 4 10 £577 i 10