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Education of Wellington made grants of money from time to time towards the support and maintenance of the school, the particulars of which will be found in the books now in Major Durie's possession. Nothing was more difficult than to induce the Maori children to do anything upon the land, and in order to raise the necessary supplies for the school, I was obliged to apply part of the moneys so granted in payment for other labour bestowed on the land. The success of the school during the time that I was connected with it was at least equal to that of similar institutions during the same period, though not in proportion to the exertions bestowed upon its management.

' Saturday, 16th Octobek, 1869. Mr. Durie, being duly sworn, states: My name is David Stark Durie. I reside at Wanganui, and am Deputy Sheriff of the District. lam one of the attorneys of the trustees of the Industrial School Estate. The other attorney is the Eev. Basil Kirke Taylor, in the absence of his father. Our communications are only with the Bishop of Wellington. The land comprised in the grant, the copy whereof produced is referred to as Eegister 1, folio 39, is all occupied. The names and quantities of land held, and annual rents, are as follows : —

Rent Roll of the Industrial School Estate, Wanganui.

D. S. Dueie, 26th October, 1869. Attorney. In consequence of part of the lands let being swampy, an allowance was made in the rents to the tenants towards the expense of draining. The tenants have drained and otherwise improved the land. No portion is unlet except the five acres attached to the school. The portion of land occupied by Mr. Kirkpatrick is traversed by a line originally laid down as a street. The Town Board threatens to form this street. He has applied for a lease for twenty years at rents of £40 per annum for the first ten years, and £45 for the last ten years, but requires a clause providing for compensation should the street be formed. We have applied to the trustees in Wellington to obtain Counsel's opinion as to the powers of the Town Board in that behalf, but have had no reply. The income is expended in defraying the expenses of the school:—- -£ s. d. The salary of Mr. Godwin, the schoolmaster ... ~. ... 150 0 0 To Mr. Holmes, schoolmaster at Wellington, for the board and education of one Native boy ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 ~ Town Board rates, varying—the last year's amounting to ... 6 5 0 ~ Insurance on residence last year, on £400 ... ... ... 400 ~ ~ school building, on £150 ... ... ... 1 10 0 T (Bepairs... ... ... ... ... ... 540 Last year ( pr £ es 2 Q Q Advertisements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 1 10 0 Annual expense of luncheon to tenants on rent-day, about ... ... 1 10 0 £221 19 0 When the house of the Eev. Mr. Nicholls was burnt, and the school had ceased to exist, the funds commenced to accumulate, and continued to do so until the building of the residence for a schoolmaster, which cost about £450, and the alterations and repairs to the building used as a school-house cost £150. The accounts of the Trust are audited by the Bishop.

Name of Tenants. Acreage. Yearly Rent. When Payable. Remarks. Edward Thurling J. Peapells Thomas "Waters John Paw son ... John Pawson ... John Henson ... John Henson ... A. O'Connor John Hurley ... Edward Churton William Watt ... M. Mahony M. Mahony M. Mahony Mrs. Day John Kirkpatrick John Mahony ... School Eeserve Allowance for Eoads A. R. P. 5 2 0 11 1 18 12 2 10 20 0 0 28 2 26 10 2 0 26 1 30 10 0 0 14 3 24 11 1 20 8 2 16 7 2 0 21 2 9 10 0 0 9 10 25 0 32 6 0 0 9 0 0 1 2 15 £ s. 5 10 20 0 9 10 13 0 16 10 6 17 17 0 6 10 9 0 22 0 23 0 15 0 14 0 30 0 9 0 26 10 3 18 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Half-yearly. Most of the leases are dated in 1856, and will expire in 1877. Swamp land let at 13s. per acre per annum. Totals ... 250 0 0 247 5 0