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but, remembering that that estate had come before the Land Purchase Board for Canterbury, of which I am a member, I addressed a short memorandum to the Clerk of the Board, Mr. McKerrow himself being absent from Wellington, inquiring whether Corwar had been purchased by the Crown. His pencilled reply is written across my memorandum, and is the communication that Mr. Wason stigmatizes as offensive. Having satisfied myself that it was not Corwar Estate that was offered, I sent for the maps containing the sections set forth in the application. The maps were brought, no one but your officer and myself being in the room at the time. I looked at the locality, character, and valuation of the land, and gave the advice which your officer afterwards wrote down for your information. No one in the department but myself was aware of the reason for my asking for the maps, nor the purpose for which I inquired as to the sale of Corwar; nor did any one know what information I supplied. I offered the advice for what it was worth simply as a member of your office Board, never dreaming that this was not the very reason for my being on that Board. Though you and I had met at least twice a week during the interval, Mr. Wason's application was never mentioned by either of us, the rejection of loan proposals being such an every-day occurrence that any particular application makes no impression on one's memory. I was present when Mr. Wason referred to the matter in the House, but the subject was so carefully veiled in his remarks that I did not then recognise the transaction he alluded to. Will you oblige me by laying this before your Minister? I have already explained my connection with this business to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. and, as requested by him, lay a copy before you. J. C. Martin, The Eight Hon. the Premier. Public Trustee. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation (no* given); printing, (1,425 copies), £i 10s.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B.

Price 6d.

2—H. 14.