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Appropriations for Consolidated 'Fund Services.

age. 189! •99. Summary of Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund. REVENUE ACCOUNT. £ 3 4 6 Peemanent Appbopbiations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature 25,700 1,795,012 350,988 2,171,700 9 11 17 20 30 36 42 45 Annual Appeopbiations— Class I. —Legislative Departments Class II. —Colonial Secretary's Department Class III.—Colonial Treasurer's Department Class IV.—Justice Department Class V. —Postal and Telegraph Department Class VI. —Customs and Marine Departments Class VII. —Stamps and Deeds Department ... Class VIII. —Minister of Education— Education Department Lunacy and Charitable Department Department of Labour Class IX.—Mines Department ... Class X. —Department of Agriculture Class XL —Working Railways Department ... Class XII.—Public and School Buildings and Domains Class XIIL—Defence Department Class XIV.—Police Department ... Class XV.—Lands and Survey Department ... Class XVI.—Valuation Department Class XVII.—Rates on Crown Lands 21,073 73,676 39,096 125,250 386,800 76,133 25,420 447,536 59,748 6,859 17,916 59,373 916,000 52 54 57 73 75 80 82 88 89 42,725 110,680 119,619 123,978 25,348 900 Total Revenue Account 2,678,130 4,849,830 90 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT 6,580 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT ... 0 150 91 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT 1,800 92 PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE ACCOUNT 8,171 93 94 GOVERNMENT INSURANCE ACCOUNT ... 51,040 96 GOVERNMENT ADVANCES TO SETTLERS OFFICE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT 52,256