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TABLES TO ACCOMPANY THE FOREGOING STATEMENT. PAOB Table No. I.—Abstbact op Beceipts and Expenditube op the Financial Year ended 31st Mabch, 1898 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Table No. 2.—Comparative Statement of the Estimated and Actual Receipts and Expenditure op the Consolidated Fund fob the Financial Yeab ended 31st March, 1898 :. 19 Table No. 3.—The Public Debt on 31st March, 1898 .. .. .. .. .. 20 Table No. 4.—Statement op the Estimated Liabilities op the Consolidated Fund outstanding on 31st Mabch, prom 1889 to 1898, inclusive .. .. .. .. .. 22 Table No. s.—Statement op the Estimated Liabilities op the Public Wobks Fund outstanding on 31st March, pbom 1889 to 1898, inclusive .. .. .. .. .. 23 Table No. 6.—Statement showing the Total Ways and Means op the Public Works Fund and the Total Net Expenditure to 31st Maboh, 1898 .. .. .. .. 24 Table No. 7. —Estimated Expenditure op 1898-99 compabed with the Actual Expenditube op 1897-98 25 Table No. B.—Estimated Revenue op 1898-99 compaeed with the Actual Revenue op 1897-98 .. 25 Table No. 9.—Statement showing the Amount chabged to Unauthorised in each Financial Year pbom Ist July, 1875, to 31st March, 1898 .. .. .. .. .. 26

I—B. 6.