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of the colony, as representing the Crown, is given by statute in every case in which such a petition can now be presented, and is not made to depend on. the consent of the Executive, as in the Western Australian Act 31 Vict., No. 7. If a colonial Government is to have the final power of preventing a subject from bringing before the Courts an injury which he complains that he has sustained at the hands of that Government it may be asserted that the Government has constituted itself the judge of its own cause, and that is a position which, I venture to think, no colonial Government would, on the ground of common justice, wish to assume. I shall transmit a copy of this despatch to the Governors of the other colonies of Australasia, and, when I have the pleasure next month of welcoming the Premiers, I shall be quite willing to discuss the subject with them. I have, Sec, Governor Sir Gerard Smith, K.C.M.G., &c. J. Chamberlain.

No. 6. (No. 20.) Sib,— Downing Street, 22nd May, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 18, , of the 25th April, forwarding a synopsis of the Acts passed at the first session of the thirteenth Parliament of New Zealand, with copies of the Acts. I have, &c, J. CHAMBERLAIN. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

A.-l, Seas. 11., 1897, No. 21.

No. 7. (No. 21.) Sib,— Downing Street, 24th May, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 22, of the 15th April last, transmitting an address from the City Council of Christchurch, congratulating Her Majesty the Queen on the length of her reign, and to inform you that I duly laid it before Her Majesty, who has commanded me to request you to convey to the Council her appreciation of their loyal and dutiful address. I have, &c, J. CHAMBERLAIN. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

No. 8. (No. 24.) Sir, — Downing Street, 4th June, 1897. I have the honour to inform you that I have received a letter from a Mrs. Eliza Biggs, machinist, of Nelson, New Zealand, desiring me to lay before the Queen her prayer that Her Majesty might accept the copy of the " Jubilee Ode," written by her, and enclosed in her letter. I have to request that you will cause Mrs. Biggs to be informed that the composition in question has been laid before the Queen, and that Her Majesty was pleased to receive it very graciously, and has commanded me to desire you to convey to Mrs. Biggs her thanks for it. I have, &c, J. CHAMBERLAIN. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

No. 9. (No. 25.) My Lobd, — Downing Street, 14th June, 1897. I have the honour to inform you that an address has been received for presentation to the Queen from the Wellington Political Society, congratulating Her Majesty on her birthday, and on the completion of the sixtieth year of her reign.