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£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. CLASS XIII.—DEFENCE DEPARTMENT :— Vote No. 68—Miscellaneous Services :— Item 1—Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford, 1st April, 1897, to 31st March, 1898 Item 2 —Pension of late F. G. Rawson, continued to his widow, 1st April, 1897, to 31st March, 1898 Item 3— Pension of late Mrs. Passmore, continued to her sisters Item 4—Pension to Aperahama Tahumirangi, for wounds received while in the service of the New Zealand Government, 1st April, 1897, to 31st December, 1897 Item 5—Pensions to recipients of New Zealand Cross Item 6—Special allowance to ex-Constable Packer, 1st April, 1897, to 31st March, 1898 Item 7—Special allowance to ex-Constable Miles Leighton, 23rd March, 1897, to 22nd March, 1898 Item 8 —Compassionate allowance to the children of the late Torpedoman Heighten, at the rate of £1 per week, 10th March, 1897, to 8th February, 1898 Item 9—Compassionate allowance to ex-Torpedoman Cornwall, 7th March, 1897, to 25th February, 1898 Item 10 —Compensation to Lieut.-Colonel Goring on retirement from the service Item 11—Compensation to Captain W. T. Powell on retirement from the service Item 12—Compensation to Gunner G. Hill, N.Z.C., medically unfit for further service Item 13—Repairs, &c, to military graveyards Item 14—Repairs to machinery and hulls of steam-launches " Lyttelton," " Gordon," " Isabel," and " Ballance " Item 15—Repairs to torpedo-boat, Port Chalmers Item 16 —Repairs to jetty at Shelly Bay 46 0 0 45 0 0 7 10 0 140 0 0 39 10 10 30 0 0 48 0 0 38 5 0 733 18 1 622 17 9 127 15 0 1 10 0 152 0 1 115 1 0 Item 17 —Expenses, rifle-shooting competitions,— Ammunition Prizes Sundries 254 0 0 72 0 0 12 5 2 338 5 2 Item 18 —Liabilities, New Zealand Rifle Association meeting, 1897,— Railway fares Prizes for volley-firing Item 19 —Purchase, &c, of medals .. Item 20—Purchase of Martini-Henry and other ammunition.. 372 19 6 36 0 0 408 19 6 74 4 8 3,495 9 7 Item 21—Volunteer camps of instruction, — Camp-allowance Freight, cartage Railway- and steamer-fares Travelling-allowances and -expenses Sundry payments 1,370 16 6 140 11 7 123 4 4 47 4 10 320 1 11 2,001 19 2 150 0 0 Item 22 —Cost of targets for testing ammunition at Auckland.. Item 23 —Moiety of expenses towards rebuilding the sea-wall of the military cemetery at Tauranga Item 24—Proportion of salary and expenses of Imperial officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores 167 15 7 Item 25—Expenses of sending military contingent to England, including team of marksmen, — Steamer-fares Grant to Bisley Team Victualling Railway-fares Sundry payments 1,728 18 0 600 0 0 248 11 5 43 9 5 172 8 4 2,793 7 2 Item 26—Passages of Instructor Burbery, R.A., and family from England Item 27—Passages of Captain Coyle, R.E., and family from England Item 28—Passages of wife and family of Colonel Penton, Commander of the Forces, from England Item 29—Boring cylinders for H.P. mountings, B.L. guns 120 9 9 200 14 0 136 0 0 Total net expenditure, Vote No. 68 £12,034 12 4