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Schedule— continued.

O 4H 9 5j'3 A sfS ►S3 ° By whom made. Against whom. Nature of Charge or Complaint. Whether Proved Wholly, Partially, or Disproved. Remarks. CANTERBURY DISTRICT— continued. 45 Rev. Father D. M. Salvador (Lyttelton) W. M. De Weston , Constable O'Connell .. j Complaining of allegations made by Constable O'Con- See evidence. nell in his evidence concerning him False arrest of complainant, and assault .. .. Not heard, having been already dealt with in law courts. Complaining of being refused clerical allowance as Does not appear to have any right to allowance, allowed to other District Clerks which the late Commissioner (Lieut. -Col. Hume) evidently intended to do away with on new appointments. Complaining as to expense incurred by detectives in See general report, where matter dealt with. procuring and maintaining bicycles for detective work Non-promotion .. .. .. .. .. See evidence. Matter dealt with in general report. (Particulars not given) .. .. .. .. Not heard, having already been dealt with by law court. Neglectof duty; not detectingperpetration of burglary Not proved (see evidence). Providing complainant with an unsound troophorse, Horse unsound, but whether so when purchased does and that in consequence complainant suffered loss not appear. and inconvenience That Constable McGill was of intemperate habits. \ That on the 9th and 16th April, 1898, was in a | state of drunkenness in the public streets; also, I that in connection with the collection of the dog- ! tax in Sydenham he has displayed gross careless- > See special findings in these cases. ness ; also, that in case of intended visit of inspection re kerosene, because he informed the person concerned, namely, one Bowden, of the intended I . visit Improperly entering hotel in Christchurch, namely, i Arenas's Cafe, and remaining there during the time r See special findings in this case. they should have been on duty ' 46 47 Constable A. Stanton (District Clerk, Christchurch) Certain members of the Police Force Police Department Matter of allowance to District Clerks dealt with in general report. 48 Detective Benjamin (delegate) I j Police Department 49 50 Constable George Hastie Amelia Cook Police Department Constable Patrick McGill Police Police Department 51 52 Sydney Day (Sydenham) J. D. Crockett (exMounted Constable) 53 T. E. Taylor, M.H.R. .. Constable Patrick McGill 54 T. E. Taylor, M.H.R. .. Constable McKenziel (Christchurch), and i Constable Thomas Barrett (Christchurch) Constable Patrick McGill 55 George Spencer Fleming Having broken into house of John Cook and Amelia Not heard. Matter already dealt with by court of Cook and assaulted them law. Neglect of duty in case of one Spain who drew a I Not proved. knife and assaulted one Jansen Being bounceable and arrogant .. .. .. j Charge withdrawn. That he insulted and unduly interfered with one Jules Disproved. Lelievre Assaulting Jules Lelievre and August Lelievre, and Withdrawn. causing disturbance in public street Not inquiring into circumstances of complaint, made No evidence adduced. by one Field at Eketabuna, as to loss of bullock 56 George Spencer Fleming Constable Ryan 57 George Spencer Fleming George Spencer Fleming Inspector Broham Sergeant Scully 59 George Spencer Fleming Sergeant Scully 60 George Spencer Fleming Police