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Schedule— continued.

bA n By whom made. Against whom. Nature of Charge or Complaint. Whether Proved Wholly, Partially, or Disproved. Remarks. WELLINGTON DISTRICT— contv. lued. 26 Sergeant A. H. Wright Police Department .. ] Complains of being deprived of Is. per day clerical allowance in 1893 It appears that the former holder of the office of District Clerk at Wellington has received Is. per day. Wright was promoted a first-class constable, and removed to Wellington as District Clerk. The intention of the Commissioner (Lieut.Colonel Hume) appears to have been to do away with this allowance in respect of new appointments This constable lost some summonses whilst he was proceeding to serve them. He paid the costs incurred in consequence of their loss. This constable complained of having been reprimanded and an entry made upon the defaulter's sheet without his having been informed that it would be so entered. He denied having committed the offence in respect of which such entry was made. He obtained the removal of the entry by applying to Mr. John Duncan, M.H.R. See reference to this subject in general report. Constable F. O'Leary .. To give evidence concerning his character The implied imputation against Inspector Pender of having improperly deprived Constable Foley of the charge of the Manners Street Police Station, Wellington, is disproved by the evidence. Copy of certificate of death of Amy Dyson appears in appendix, showing death from natural causes. 27 28 Constable John T. Foley Police Department .. Complains of his treatment in the service since placed in charge of Manners Street Police Station, Wellington Ex-Const. George Neale 29 Inspector Pender .. J At Christchurch : Neglect of duty in not calling wit- ! nesses in case of alleged concealment of birth by i Mrs. Boyd of child of one Amy Dyson, and that in 1 consequence there was a gross miscarriage of justice [ Evidence not completed ; but so far as it went it wholly disproved the charge alleged against Inspector Pender, which we fully believe to be utterly unfounded. Complainant withdrew, and declined to call further evidence 30 T. E. Taylor, M.H.R. .. The Police Department i (1.) Asserts grave discontent among the members of the Police Force in the colony. That the wrongful use of political power by Ministers and others has disorganised and demoralised the force, and generally acted in a prejudicial manner upon the public interest | 2.) That the police have failed to enforce the laws [ of the colony LThese matters are all dealt with in the general report. Frederick Pirani, M.H.R. PALMERSTON NORTH DISTRK !T. 31 I Complaining that Constable Gillespie had been persecuted by the Department at the instigation of ; brewers and publicans 1 Not heard in consequence of absence of Mr. Pirani owing to illness. No evidence tendered. Constable Gillespie also at same time confined to Wellington Hospital through illness.