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Cos aliT By whom made. Against whom. Nature of Charge or Complaint. Whether Proved Wholly, Partially, or Disproved. Remarks. AUCKLAND DISTEICT. John McMahon (ex-; police-sergeant) Police Department As to his alleged wrongful discharge from the Police Force Case not entertained by Commissioners as to his retirement from the Police Force, being excluded by terms of the Royal Commission ; his contention as to the existence of a rule in the service that powers of watchhousekeeper in watchhouse are absolute (and as to which the Commissioners took evidence) held not to be proved by the evidence given Matters not entertained, being excluded by the terms of the Royal Commission. Not entertained. Ex-Sergeant McMahon alleged that the rule referred to existed, and sought; to justify his conduct on occasion referred to in his complaint. A. J. McClusky (exInspector of Police) Thomas Collis District Constable C. T.Dunne (Katikati) Maria Smith Police Department As to his alleged wrongful discharge from the Force 2 3 4 Police Department Police Department As to his alleged wrongful discharge from the Force Complaining as to the insufficiency of his pay as a District Constable Persecuting her son and herself .. .. Consider salary should be increased. 5 Police Department Satisfied no ground exists for charge, and that complainant suffers from a delusion in the matter. 6 Rev. F. W.'Isitt Police Department (1.) That the efficiency of the Police Force has been seriously impaired to the detriment of the public interest by the exercise of outside influence which has been brought to bear upon it, especially by influence of an outside nature (2.) That the licensing laws and those laws which relate to gaming have not been strictly enforced ; and that the laws under which the sale of intoxicating liquors in the King-country and other Native districts is prohibited have been administered with special laxity Unfair arrest of complainant when be was ill; and held medical certificate Unduly interfering with complainant Improper interference with complainant when about to address a public meeting Unlawfully conspiring to prevent complainant addressing the public John Bell Constable McLelland .. /■See reference to these matters in general report. 7 Disproved. 8 9 John Bell John Bell Inspector Hickson Constable Kennedy Disproved. Disproved. 10 John Bell Sergeant Lyons and exSergeant Gamble and ex-Sergeant McMahon Sergeant Green Disproved. 11 John Deans (1.) Insulting language to complainant in reference to his wife (2.) Allowing hotel at Onehunga to keep open after hours We are of opinion that the words alleged to have been used were used, but merely in jest. Apueais that the hotel at Onehunga referred to was frequented by travellers who had visited Onehunga to attend a ball or entertainment. See report of evidence, and see also special reference in general report as to watchhouses and policecells. . George Everard [Bentley Police Department 12 As to administration of licensing laws; conduct of police in Auckland ; state of police cells, and treatment of prisoners therein