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No. 197. The Secbetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Local Manages, New Zealand Shipping Company, Wellington. Sic, — General Post Office, Wellington, 18th January, 1898. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th instant, stating that your company had received advice from London to the effect that a petition had been presented to the Court for an order to wind up the Canadian-Australian Steamship Company, and that in the event of this being decided upon the New Zealand Shipping Company would continue the service without interruption, in conjunction with the mortgagee. I have, &c, W. Geay, Secretary. The Local Manager, New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), Wellington.

No. 198. The Agent-General to the Hon. th Peemiee. (Telegram.) London, Bth February, 1898. Vancouvee service: Official Receiver asks me inform the New Zealand Government that, order having been made wind up Canadian-Australian Steamship Company, he has been provisionally appointed liquidator, and has appointed the New Zealand Shipping Company sole agents for New Zealand, with power, inter alia, receive subsidies from the New Zealand Government.

No. 199. The Geneeal Manages, New Zealand Shipping Company, Christchurch, to the Local Manages, Wellington. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 4th March, 1898. Infobm Mr. Gray London cables arrangements have been made release "Miowera" to sail about 6th instant. Continue booking passengers and cargo. No intention stopping service. Canadian Agent-General arranging pay subsidy liquidator. No cause for anxiety regarding continuation Vancouver service.

No. 200. The Geneeal Manageb, New Zealand Shipping Company, Christchurch, to the Local Manages, Wellington, [Exteact.] Christchurch, 13th March, 1898. On 10th instant London cabled us as follows : " Canadian-Australian Company legal formalities completed. Cowan is confirmed as liquidator. Eegular service will be now efficiently maintained. ' Aorangi' arrived sth instant; she averaged nearly fourteen knots per hour."

No. 201. The Geneeal Manages, New Zealand Shipping Company, Christchurch, to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington. The New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), Christchurch, 10th May, 1898. Sic, — Canadian-Australian B.M.S. Company. We beg to advise you that we are in receipt of advices from Messrs. Burns, Philp, and Co. (Limited), managers of this company in New South Wales, as follows: "We are pleased to inform you that the Government in this colony have now agreed to pay us the subsidies due to the line under the contract made by Mr. James Huddart, and assigned by him to the Canadian-Australian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company. We understand that the New Zealand Government will act similarly to New South Wales. Should this matter not be already arranged you might inform them that the Government of this colony is now paying the subsidies to us." We shall be glad to hear from you that your Government will take up a similar position with regard to this matter as that taken by the New South Wales Government. Yours, &c, W. Gray, Esq., Isaac Gibbs, Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. General Manager for Colonies.

No. 202. The Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Geneeal Managee, New Zealand Shipping Company, Christchurch. Sis,— General Post Office, Wellington,"2lst May, 1898. I have the honour to enclose, for examination, rough statement showing the running and earnings of the Vancouver mail-steamers from the commencement of the service by the " Miowera "