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No. 168. The Eesident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Secbetaby, General Post Office> Wellington. Sic, — San Francisco, Bth January, 1898. It is our misfortune this time to have the " Aurania" as a trans-Atlantic connection, so that our steamer the " Moana " will not get away at the earliest until Saturday midnight or Sunday morning. I have acknowledged cablegrams in regard to the extension of the San Francisco and the subsidy to the Vancouver services. Undoubtedly the matter of route for the latter service has had careful consideration, but I am a little inclined to think that a connection at Montreal or other eastern point in the Canadian-Pacific system better, as the Canadian-Pacific Company would be interested in using every possible endeavour to expedite the transit, whereas I do not think the United States railroad companies have the same incentive. I am advised that the route of the mails west of Chicago will be (from that city connecting with the New York Central and Lake Shore railroads), at 6 p.m., via St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Portal—that is to say, per the Chicago, Milwaukee, and Saint Paul railroad to Saint Paul, thence to Portal per Minneapolis, Saint Paul and Saulte Sainte Marie railroad, there connecting with the Canadian-Pacific for Vancouver, the time consumed in transit westward being ninety-one hours, and eastward, leaving Vancouver at 2 p.m., eighty-nine hours. There is only one train daily between Saint Paul and Vancouver, and the connection of the east-bound train with fast mail at Minneapolis is very close and uncertain, and when missed will delay the arrival at New York six hours. It will therefore be necessary for me, I think, to have prompt advices of the transfer-times at Chicago both ways, in case of the necessity of endeavouring to delay Atlantic or Pacific steam-connections. Please consider the matter, and advise me. The homeward mails by the " Moana " left New York by the " New York, " and reached Southampton on the 29th. I am just advised that the " Moana " will not get away until to-morrow, Sunday. I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith. W. Gray, Esq., Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 169. The Hon. the Peemieb to the Agent-Geneeal. (Telegram.) Wellington, 11th January, 1898. With reference to my telegram 24th December [see No. 59], next Vancouver mail leaves here February third; due London March nine ; then every fourth Thursday and Wednesday.

No. 170. The Eepeesentative of the Canadian-Austealian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney, to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 18th January, 1898. Sydney postal time-table gives five days between Wellington Sydney, thus allowing twenty-four hours for call Wellington. Will you kindly therefore make day arrival Thursday instead Wednesday. " Aorangi " : Fear work cannot be done by 29th. Sailing-day likely postponed four days. Will wire again. Arrangements hampered by legal proceedings, London, of which I have advised Premier.

No. 171. The Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Eepeesentative of the CanadianAustealian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney. (Telegram.) General Post Office, Wellington, 18th January, 1898. Sydney arrival will be made Thursday. Eegret to hear that " Aorangi " likely to be four days late. Important I should know immediate sailing actually fixed. Presume delay will not interfere with Vancouver departure.

No. 172. The Eepbesentative of the Canadian-Austealian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney, to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 20th January, 1898. Will be able to despatch " Aorangi " February fifths

No. 173. The Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Deputy Postmastee-Geneeal, Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st January, 1898. Geayson advises unable despatch " Aorangi " Sydney before fifth proximo. Have you approved? Will this interfere with departure from Vancouver ?

7—F. 6.