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I enclose an amended copy of the pro forma time-table. The only alteration is in respect of the departure from London last month, and the outgoing mail from Sydney and Wellington. The mails to and from Great Britain by the Vancouver service are to be forwarded via New York; and, as at present advised, the overland route will be via Moose Jaw, Portal, and Chicago. I shall be obliged, therefore, if you will give instructions to assure the mails being given prompt despatch both by rail and steamer, and that precautions are to be taken to prevent delay to the mails while conveyed over United States territory, and also in connection with their transfer between the United States and Canadian railway-trains. intended that the outgoing mailagent shall travel to Portal, and perhaps to Chicago, to make himself acquainted with the arrangements for the transfer and conveyance of the mails by train east of Moose Jaw. The Superintendent, Office of Foreign Mails, I have, &c. Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. W. Geay, Secretary.

No. 166. The Sbcbbtaky, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Eepbesentative of the GanadianAustealian Eoval Mail Steamship Company, Sydney. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, Bth January, 1898. I have the honour to enclose six copies of the pro formd amended time-table for the San i'rancisco and Vancouver mail-services. If any further alterations are made you will be duly advised. I have, &c, Eobert Grayson, Esq., representing the Canadian- W. Geay, Secretary. Australian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company (Limited), Sydney.

No. 167. The Eepbesentative of the Canadian-Austbalian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney, to the Secbetaby, General Post Office, Wellington. Canadian-Australian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company (Limited), Sydney, Sib,— Bth January, 1898. With reference to the suggested time-table which you sent [letter not printed], we notice that you have altered the date of arrival in Sydney, making it one day earlier than in the suggested time-table which you made up in Wellington. You will see that our time-tables are all based on the Wellington one, which gives the arrivals in Sydney of our steamers 10th March, 7th April, sth May, &c. " Aorangi" :As this vessel has arrived in Wellington to-day, having sailed on the 4th December for Vancouver, we are hoping that the new machinery which we have to place on board her can be done in time to enable us to sail on the 29th January, as originally arranged, and we are now waiting cables from the commander of the steamer. We shall probably be wiring you to-morrow further on the matter. I have, &c, W. Gray, Esq., Eobebt Gbayson. Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.