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London on New Zealand correspondence being paid over to the contractors, a course which, I am directed to state, would have the full sympathy of the N-ew South Wales Post Office. I have, &c, The Deputy Postmaster-General, Ottawa, Canada. W. Gbay, Secretary.

No. 153. The Hon. the Pebmibr to the Agent-General. Sib,— Premier's Office, Wellington, 28th April, 1898. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th February last, and the several enclosures relating to the Pacific mail-services, for which I thank you. I have, &c, The Hon. W. P. Beeves, W. C. Walkee, Agent-General for New Zealand, London. For the Premier.

PACIFIC, CANADIAN, AND UNITED STATES TEANSIT. AEEANGEMENT OF TIMETABLE. No. 154. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Deputy Postmaster-Genebal, Ottawa. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 10th December, 1897. I have the honour to transmit herewith, for your information, copy of a Supplementary Order Paper of the House of Representatives, showing the proposals of the Government of this colony in reference to the Pacific mail-services for the period ending the 31st March, 1899. I hope in a few days to have the pleasure of advising you that these proposals have been accepted by Parliament, and to submit a time-table for your approval, which will alternate with that of the San Francisco service, and enable this colony to send to and receive from the United Kingdom mails at regular fortnightly intervals by way of Canada and the United States. Pending the establishing of the fast steamship line across the Atlantic from Canada to the United Kingdom, I should be obliged if you would inform me as to the speediest route by railway from Vancouver to New York. lam given to understand that the quickest despatch is offered by a deviation from the main Canadian Pacific line at Pasqua and the transfer of the mails to the United States lines at North Portal, and if this information is correct I shall be glad to learn all particulars of the connections, and whether the mails would be in charge of an officer of your travelling postoffice as far as North Portal, and be transferred to the care of the United States travelling postoffice at that point. In your reply perhaps you will also be so good as to state the latest days and time at which the mails from here should reach Vancouver to enable them to connect with the fast Atlantic steamers from New York. I have, &c, The Deputy Postmaster-General, Ottawa. W. Gray, Secretary.

No. 155. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Eepeesentative of the CanadianAustralian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney.) (Telegram.) ■ "Wellington, 22nd December, 1897. I note " Warrimoo " will leave Sydney Monday as advertised. Important " Miowera " should commence new running from Vancouver tenth February. Early reply will oblige.

No. 156. The Eepresentative of the Canadian-Australian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Canadian-Australian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company (Limited), Sir,— 63, Pitt Street, Sydney, 23rd December, 1897. We confirm telegrams passed between us, as per copies attached. [See Nos. 116,117,155]. We had an interview with the Deputy Postmaster-General for New South Wales yesterday, and this morning with the Hon. J. Cook, Postmaster-General, and understand that the alteration of sailing-date from Monday to Saturday has been approved. Yours, See., W. Gray, Esq., Wellington, N.Z. Eobert Grayson. P.S.—Since writing foregoing we have received a communication from the Deputy PostmasterGeneral here, as per copy attached. We are now awaiting your reply. —E.G.

Enclosure in No. 156. The Secretary, General Post Office, Sydney, to the Eepresentative of the CanadianAustralian Eoyal Mail Steamship Company, Sydney. Sir, — General Post Office, Sydney, 23rd December, 1897. Eeferring to your communication of the 22nd instant with reference to the proposal that the steamers of the Canadian-Australian line should leave Sydney on Saturday, instead of Monday