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AMERICAN-SPANISH WAR : EFFECT ON SAN FRANCISCO SERVICE. No. 109. The Hon. the Premier to the Agent-General. (Telegram.) Wellington, 22nd April, 1898. San Francisco and Vancouver Services : What probability Atlantic mail-steamers being interfered with in event of war? Will homeward mails be delayed, now that American and other fast steamers acquired by United States ?

No. 110. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Premier. (Telegram.) London, 22nd April, 1898. At present homeward mails catching German Lloyd's steamers; outward Cunard's. Delay not very probable. With regard to interference, highly improbable Spain can arrange effectual blockade. Keeping in touch with Imperial Post Office. Will keep you well informed.

No. 111. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Premier. (Telegram.) London, 25th April, 1898. Replying to my communication [not printed], New York postal authorities promise will give immediate despatch to New Zealand mails, so as to forward, if possible, by German Lloyd's, Cunard's, White Star. With regard to general present position, it is this: Both Spain and America agree to adhere substantially for the present to principles declaration Paris. Spain will not commission privateers, though reserving right to do so later on, if desired. Spain, however, expected engage number fast auxiliary cruisers pursue American shipping vigorously, but promises respect neutral goods other than contraband of war, although carried in American vessels. Are you making any arrangement with regard to Oceanic Company's steamers ?

No. 112. The Hon. the Premier to the Agent-General. (Telegram.) . Wellington, 3rd May, 1898. Replying to your cablegram, 25th April, Spreckels cables no reason to fear safety his steamers.

INTERPROVINCIAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH SAN FRANCISCO AND VANCOUVER SERVICES. No. 113. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 26th January, 1898. I have now the honour, by direction of the Postmaster-General, to approach you with reference to the renewal of the interprovineial service for the conveyance of the San Francisco mails between the Manukau, New Plymouth, Wellington, and Lytfcelton ; and for establishing a four-weekly service for the delivery and distribution of the Vancouver mails between Wellington, New Plymouth, and Manukau, and Wellington and Lyttelton. The day of departure of the San Francisco mails from Auckland will be Saturday, as at present; but the inward steamers will be due at Auckland on Wednesday, 23rd proximo; then on Tuesday, the 15th March, and every succeeding fourth Tuesday, in the place of Thursday, as now. The incoming mails via Vancouver are due at Wellington on Wednesday, 2nd proximo ; then on Saturday, sth March next, and every fourth Saturday thereafter. The outward mails are timed to leave Wellington every fourth Thursday, commencing on Thursday, 3rd proximo. The " Aorangi," however; which should leave here on Thursday week, will not be able to do so until the following Thursday, 10th proximo, owing to unavoidable delay in Sydney. Will you therefore let me know, as early as possible, the terms on which your company is prepared to renew the San Francisco interprovineial service, and will provide a coastal service for the delivery and distribution of the Vancouver mails between the ports already mentioned. I enclose three copies of the corrected time-table for the San Francisco and Vancouver services. You will observe that the time from Auckland to Sydney has been increased from four to five days, as was the case under the previous contract. The time from Wellington to Sydney by the Vancouver steamers has been similarly altered. 1 have, &c, The Managing Director, W. Gray, Secretary. Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin.