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ing the case, I deemed it inexpedient to make any further protest against the detention until the advertised date of Thursday. In view of the fact that the steamer " Campania " is scheduled to convey the outward colonial mails from Great Britain each month until at least the 27th November, and possibly next year, the same circumstances may arise frequently in the future. lam therefore desirous of receiving definite instructions regarding the despatch of the steamers from this port under similar circumstances, and especially as regards despatch of the vessel at any time when the entire United States mail may not have arrived. In regard to the date of departure from this port, you may possibly deem it advisable to instruct the contractors to be prepared to advertise Wednesday departures from San Francisco during the months of May, June, July, August, and September should the fast steamers be continued for the trans-Atlantic voyage. I would point out that in the present case, had the " Campania " reached New York three hours earlier, the mails would have reached this port on Tuesday evening. Trusting that I may be fully advised at an early date, I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, W. Gray, Esq., Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Resident Agent.

No. 93. The Secketaey, General Post Office, London, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Genebal, Wellington. Sir, — General Post Office, London, 10th September, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th of May last [see No. 38, F.-6, 1897], in which, referring to a case of delay in the transmission across the United States of the preliminary portion of a mail from this country for New Zealand via San Francisco, you suggest that it might be possible to arrange here for an earlier despatch of the advance bags sent by that route. In reply, I have to inform you that this suggestion has been fully considered, but that there would be certain disadvantages in a change of practice, and it is thought advisable, on the whole, not to disturb the arrangements at present in force. I am, &c, The Postmaster-General, Wellington. H. Buxton Foeman.

No. 94. The Secketaey, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Managing Dikeotoe, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin. Sic, — General Post Office, Wellington, 14th September, 1897. I have the honour to inform you that the Resident Agent for this colony at San Francisco advises that the final portion of the British-Colonial mails arrived there on the Wednesday morning previous to the day of sailing of the " Alameda " on her last voyage to Auckland, and that, in view of the fact that the s.s. " Campania"—one of the fastest steamers—is scheduled to convey the outward colonial mails from Great Britain each month until at least the 27th November, and possibly next year, similar early arrivals of the mails at San Francisco may be expected. It is stated that had the " Campania," on the occasion in question, reached New York three hours earlier the mails would have been received at San Francisco on Tuesday evening. It is therefore desirable that the despatch of the mail-steamers from San Francisco earlier in the week than Thursday should be effected when the mails come to hand before that day; and I shall be obliged if you will cable your San Francisco representatives to advertise Wednesday as the sailing-day hereafter, and to arrange that the steamers be despatched as soon as possible after the last portion of the mails is placed on board. Will you be so good as to advise me by wire of the action you take in the matter. I have, &c, The Managing Director, Union Steam Ship Company W. Gray, Secretary. of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin.

No. 95. The Managing Dibectoe, Union Steam Ship Company, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin, Sir,— 17th September, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your favour of 14th instant, asking that, in view of the " Campania " having been selected to convey the outward colonial mails from Great Britain across the Atlantic, it be arranged to advertise Wednesday as the sailing date of the mail steamers from San Francisco, instead of Thursday, as is done at present. On receipt of your letter I at once cabled Messrs. J. D. Spreckels and Brothers' Company as follows: "As ' Campania' bringing mails Postmaster-General asks steamers be advertised to leave San Francisco Wednesday in future " —and by the Vancouver mail same day sent them a copy of your letter. I also wired you at the same time that I had done so. I have, &c, T. W. Whitson, For Managing Director. W. Gray, Esq., Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

4—F. 6.