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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.

Sir, — Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln, 17th June, 1898. ]j have the honour, by direction of the Chairman, to forward you herewith a copy of the Director's'annual report for the year ending 31st December, 1897, as approved of by the Board of Governors ; also, a copy of statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ending 31st December, 1897. I have, &c, The Secretary of Education, Wellington. 0. B. Pembbeton, Secretary.

Dikectob's Annual Ebpoet. Sib, — Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln, 31st December, 1897. I have the honour to report on the work done at the Agricultural College, on the live-stock,, and on the condition of the farm, for the year ending 31st December, 1897. College. —During the first term, ending about the middle of June, thirty-six students were in attendance; during the second term, thirty-eight were in attendance. The subjects of instruction were, as in former years, agriculture, chemistry, botany, entomology, meteorology, physiography, book-keeping, applied mechanics, mensuration, surveying and levelling, and veterinary science. The diploma, which includes both scientific knowledge and practical farm-work, and is the highest distinction conferred, has been gained by the following students: Norman McPherson Duncan, Christchurch; Vernon Montgomerae Hutton, Christchurch; Walter Manning, Wellington ; Thomas Palethorpe, Burnham ; and Harold Small, Otaki. The certificate for practical farm-work has been gained by Edward Narbey, Akaroa. Annual certificates have been gained by the following students of the second year : Harold Small, first in principles of agriculture, practical chemistry, botany, practical botany, farm-books,, and equal with N. M. Duncan in entomology; Norman McPherson Duncan, first in practical agriculture, live-stock and dairying, and equal with H. Small in entomology and with V. M. Hutton in veterinary science ; Vernon Montgomerae Hutton, first in general chemistry, agricultural chemistry, surveying, mechanics, and equal with N. M. Duncan in veterinary science ; Thomas Palethorpe, first in book-keeping. Annual certificates have been gained by the following students of the first year : William Thomas Grant, first in agriculture ; Harold Campbell Pockley, first in entomology, botany, physiography, meteorology, book-keeping, farm-books, and equal with M. Bethell and D. J. Willis in veterinary science; Yeo Trissilian Shand, first in agricultural chemistry and practical entomology ; Daniel Jarvis Willis, first in general chemistry, mensuration, plotting, and equal with M. Bethell and H. C. Pockley in veterinary science ; Walter Thomas Bent, first in practical chemistry; John Blunden, first in practical botany ; Marmaduke Bethell, first, equal with D. J. Willis and H. C. Pockley, in veterinary science. A change has occurred in the teaching staff, Mr. C. C. Farr, B.Sc, of Adelaide University, having been appointed lecturer on applied mathematics, in place of Mr. C. B. Adams, B.Sc, of New Zealand University, who resigned his position after four years' service. Messrs. Gray, Lillie, and Charlton are still in charge of the chemical, natural science, and veterinary science departments respectively. Farm. —The farm is in good order. The gorse fences continue to die, and wire fences are being erected in their stead. The autumn cereal crops look well; those sown in spring look poor, and are stunted in growth, and, should the dry weather continue, are likely to prove a failure. The root crops were good, especially the mangels and carrots ; potatoes fair ; clover-seed good; hay poor. Some twenty different experiments with manures, crops, cultivations, &c, were tried throughout the year, and the results published in the leading Canterbury newspapers. An experiment to determine which is the best breed of rams to use on crossbred ewes in order to obtain the best fat lambs for freezing was tried. The rams used were Border Leicester, English Leicester, Shropshire, and Southdown. The lambs are being shipped, and will be reported on by the London salesman.