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DUNEDIN SCHOOL OP ART AND DESIGN. Directob's Eepoet. Sib,— I have the honour to submit my report on the School of Art and Design for the year 1897 :— The total number of students who attended the school during the past season was 409, showing an increase of fifteen as compared with the previous year. This total includes 103 teachers and pupil-teachers, thirty-five students in training, 114 students who attended the day classes, and 157 students who attended the evening classes. During the session the painting class was discontinued. I regret this, as it materially reduced the number of students; but it is a great satisfaction to be able to state that those who remained under the altered circumstances made excellent progress in advanced drawing from groups, the antique figure, the living model, practical plane and solid geometry, and perspective. Owing to the discontinuance of painting I was enabled to resume the teaching of modelling. "With the above exceptions the courses of instruction have been the same as in former years. A student of this school, E. Grow, was appointed art pupil-teacher. During the Otago Art Society's Exhibition the students were invited to visit the exhibition gratuitously. About two hundred availed themselves of the invitation. The loan collection of students' works from the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, was exhibited in the school from the 18th October to the 10th November, and this opportunity of studying works of sterling merit was largely taken advantage of by the students and general public, who evinced great interest in the exhibition. The teachers, students in training, and pupil-teachers' classes maintained their numbers and made satisfactory progress. At the December examinations only the first-class pupil-teachers were examined, the result being as follows: Perspective —Number examined, 27 ; excellent, 5 ; good, 11; fair, 9 ; failed, 2. During the University term, students from the School of Mines met four times every week. The courses of instruction were : First year students, model-drawing and practical geometry; second year students, solid geometry and machine-drawing. The result of their examination is as follows : —Model-drawing : Examined, 25—first class, 8 ; second, 9 ; passed, 6 ; failed, 2. Practical geometry : Examined, 25 —first class, 15 ; second, 6; passed, 2; failed, 2. Solid geometry : Examined, 12 —first class, 1 ; second, 4 ; passed, 5; failed, 2. Machine-drawing : Examined, 12—first class, 4 ; second, 3; passed, 3; failed, 2. The science classes for practical plane and solid geometry, building construction, and machine drawing have maintained their average attendance of the previous year. The results of the South Kensington examinations, however, show a great improvement, and prove that students are becoming more alive to the value of the study of these subjects. The evening art classes continue to be well attended. The work of the different classes also shows a decided improvement. The following are the results of the London Science and Art Department's examinations : — Science Subjects. —Practical plane and solid geometry (elementary stage)— Examined, 16 : passed, 9; fair, 6; failed, 1. Building construction (elementary stage)— Examined, 9: passed, 6; fair, 2; failed, 1. Building construction (advanced stage) —Examined, 2 : first class 1; second class, 1. Machine-drawing (elementary stage) —Examined, 6 : passed, 5 ; failed, 1. Machinedrawing (advanced stage) —Examined, 1 : first class, 1. Included in the above are five external students (four geometrical and one machine-drawing.) Art Subjects. —Geometrical drawing (elementary stage)— Examined, 22 : passed, 20; failed, 2. Perspective drawing (elementary stage)— Examined, 1 : second class, 1. Freehand drawing (elementary stage) —Examined, 78: first class, 25; second, 26; failed, 27. Model-drawing (elementary stage) —Examined, 56 : first class, 11; second, 30; failed, 15. Drawing in light and shade (elementary stage) —Examined, 32 : first class, 9 ; second, 15 ; failed, 8. Principles of ornament —Examined, 1: first class, 1. Freehand drawing (advanced stage)— Examined, 19: first class, 13; second, 6. Model-drawing (advanced stage) —Examined, 12 : first class, 8 ; second, 4. Drawing in light and shade (advanced stage) —Examined, 16 : excellent, 2 ; first class, 11; second, 3. Drawing from the antique (the figure) —Examined, 2 : second class, 2. Trie following students have fulfilled all the requirements for the elementary drawing certificate : Elsie Napier Bell, Nellie L. D. Hutton, Henrietta Mackay, Margaret Ewing, T. M. Clark, W. J. Hutton, Walter Beeson. The annual exhibition of students' work was held at the close of the session and was largely attended. I have, &c, The Secretary, Otago Education Board. David C. Hutton.

The following list shows the occupations of the students who attended the evening classes : Boilermaker, 1 ; blacksmith, 1; bookbinder, 1; baker, 1 ; bootmaker, 1; brushmaker, 1; cabinetmakers, 4; carpenters, 23; clerks, 6; clicker, 1; coachbuilder, 1; cook, 1; compositor, 1; drapers, 5 ; dentist, 1 ; dressmakers, 7; embosser, 1; engineers, 25 ; fitters, 4; iron-turner, 1; joiners, 3 ; lithographers, 2; mining engineers, 6 ; moulder, 1 ; photographic artist, 1 ; painters, 8 ; patternmaker, 1; plumbers, 3 ; printer, 1; plasterer, 1 ; retouchers, 3; saleswoman,. 1; seedsman, 1; students, 17 ; tailor, 1; traveller, 1 ; turner, 1; teachers, 3; tailoress, 1 ; no occupation, or home duties, 14.

DUNEDIN TECHNICAL CLASSES ASSOCIATION. Annual Eepoet foe 1897. In presenting their ninth annual report of the Technical Glasses Association, your Committee has to congratulate the members and subscribers on the important advance made during the past year.