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Truancy.—The appointment of a truant officer, and the energetic and satisfactory manner in which Mr. Varnham has carried out his duties, has resulted in a marked improvement in the attendance of the children. Absentees and irregular attenders are now promptly looked up, and means taken to insure their attendance at school. It was found necessary-to take legal proceedings under the School Attendance Act in only fourteen instances. As a matter of fact, it has often been difficult to find room in the city schools for a large number of children who have been brought within the reach of education through the efforts of the truant officer. The cordial co-operation of School Committees has materially assisted the Board in its administration of the provisions of the School Attendance Act. School Districts.—By the constitution of new school districts at Mikimiki, Tane, Eoseneath, and Worser's Bay, the number has been increased to 105. Technical School.—The director of the Technical School, in his annual report, deals exhaustively with this branch of the education system. The year's work fully maintains its former excellent standard, and clearly shows that the school is well able to hold its own in competition with kindred institutions at the South Kensington examinations. Singing.—The Board has decided to have an annual examination of teachers in music, on the lines of the English certificate examination, on the tonic sol-fa and staff notations. Those who have regularly attended the Saturday classes desire to have some certificate of their fitness to give class instruction in this subject. These classes have been held by Mr. Parker on Saturday mornings, every fourth Saturday being set apart for instruction at Masterton, where the teachers from the country schools are able to attend. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. J. E. Blair, Chairman.

General Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1897. Receipts. £ a. A. Expenditure. £ a. A. To Government grant for buildings .. 6,060 0 0 By Balance at beginning of year .. 4,923 19 10 Other receipts for buildings— Office staff —Salaries .. .. 900 0 0 Refund .. .. .. .. 107 10 3 Departmental contingencies.. .. 518 11 4 Rents of reserves .. .. 30 18 6 Inspectors' salaries.. .. .. 925 0 0 Sale of reserves .. .. .. 91 16 0 Inspectors' travelling-expenses .. 298 4 0 Sale of timber .. .. .. 9 0 0 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 2 2 0 Government statutory capitation .. 42,214 14 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 37,366 5 3 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 521 2 2 Incidental expenses of schools .. 4,097 13 5 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 Manual instruction, grants paid to Payments by School Commissioners ... 1,426 17 4 schools .. .. .. 17 16 0 Refund of unclaimed cheque .. 5 8 4 ScholarshipsTechnical School — Paid to scholars .. .. .. 697 2 2 Fees .. .. .. .. 874 11 9 Examination expenses .. .. 33 19 1 Sale of old lead .. .. .. 21 3 1 School buildings— Refund, fees overpaid to Instructors 5 9 6 New buildings .. .. .. 3,101 8 2 Examination fees .. .. 32 0 0 Improvement of buildings.. .. 2,445 10 5 Grant from Corporation .. .. 62 0 9 Furniture and appliances .. .. 520 4 0 Government grant .. .. 100 0 0 Sites .. .. .. .. 205 16 8 Grants to manual and teohnical Plans, supervision, and fees .. 232 6 5 classes .. .. .. 335 0 11 Balance contract, Office and Technical Balance— £ s. d. School .. .. .. 999 10 0 Dr. Building's .. 6,243 6 5 Interest on ditto .. .. .. 69 19 3 Cr. Maintenance.. 1,001 1 6 Interest on Bank overdraft .. .. 64 1 6 5,242 4 11 Insurance.. .. .. .. 20 8 0 £57,439 17 6 £57,439 17 6 J. E. Blair, Chairman. A. Dorset, Secretary. Examined and found correct—J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

HAWKE'S BAY. Sir, — Education Office, Napier, 31st January, 1898. I have the honour to forward the following report of the proceedings of the Hawke's Bay Education Board for the year 1897. The Board consists of the following members, viz.: The Hon. J. D. Ormond, M.L.C. (Chairman), J. W. Carlile, Esq., C. A. Fitzroy, Esq., J. G. Gilberd, Esq., Captain W. E. Bussell, M.H.E., Eev. J. Sidey, D.D., F. Sutton, Esq., T. Tanner, Esq., and F. W. Williams, Esq. School Attendance. —The following return shows a comparative statement of the children on the roll, and the average attendance in the schools under the Board, from 1878 to date : —

Averagi Weekly Number on the Bol 11. Average Attendai ice. ear. March. June. Sept. Dec. Average for Four Quarters. Percentage Increase Previous Year. March. June. Sept. Deo. Average for Pour Quarters. Percentage Increase Previous Year. .878 .888 .896 .897 1,520 5,902 7,629 7,604 1,797 5,968 7,501 7,618 1,854 5,841 7,467 7,582 1,985 5,758 7,415 7,593 1,789 5,867-25 7,503 7,599-25 6-4 1-7 1-27 1,259 4,686 6,353 6,331 1,612 4,733 6,139 6,381 1,580 4,673 6,270 6,448 1,649 4,627 6,251 6,396 1,525 4,679-75 6,253-25 6,389 8-3 4-0 2-1